The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1011
BID: $OPDX.1011
May 16, 2011
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, N1DG, NJ1Q, NG3K & ADXO, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4JF, K6VVA, KH6BZF, N6PSE, K8BL, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX (60m News), 9M6DXX, AT International, DL1SBF, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter,, DX-World.Net, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G0WRE, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IT9TQH, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, PT7WA, RSGB IOTA Web Site, SV1HER, SV1JG, TA1HZ, VA3RJ & ICPO, VK4FW, VHF-DX-Portal(MMMonVHF) and YV5ANF for the following DX information.
There will not be an OPDX Bulletin
next week. I will be attending the Dayton HamVention. "IF" I receive a
major announcement, I may send something out late Sunday or Monday.
However, PLEASE continue to send your DX information. You never know
what I might do.... 73 de Tedd KB8NW
P.S. Hope to see you at the HamVention Dayton at the NODXA Hospitality Suite at the Crown Plaza (See below)! I will also be at the ARRL Area on Sunday at the League's Legislation Booth.
According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 8th-May, through Sunday, 15th-May there were 222 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5B,
5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G,
9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3,
C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6,
EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM,
FO, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK,
HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K,
KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH,
OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ7, PY, PY0T, PZ,
R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI,
TJ, TK, TN, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5,
V8, VE, VK, VK0M, VP2E, VP2V, VP6, VP8, VP8/o, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW,
XX9, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7,
ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS
PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
SWL Ashraf "Ash", 3V4-002 (KF5EYY), will be active as 3V8SS
from the "Radio Club Station of Tunisian Scouts" in Sousse, during the
CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power
entry. QSL via LoTW. Read about Ashraf on the following Web page at:
Steve, 9M6DXX, sent out the following press release #3
on May 11th, for the upcoming September 16-26th, -- 2011 4W6A DXpedition: "Everything is on schedule for the 4W6A DXpedition. All the team members have now booked and paid for their air tickets from the UK, Malaysia and Australia to Dili, East Timor. A boat has been chartered to take the team and their equipment from Dili to Atauro Island, the site of the DXpedition, and back again. The accommodation on the island has been booked and the team members are now also booking their overnight transit stops in Bali, Darwin and Dili.5H, TANZANIAThe DXpedition will be operating from generators which will be hired and picked up in Dili the day before the start of the operation. The generators have been booked and arrangements have been put in place for sufficient fuel to be transported to the island for our use whenever necessary.
It is hoped to be able to use an Internet connection on the island and, if this proves to be reliable, logs will be uploaded to 'Club Log' and 'Logbook of The World' on a daily basis.The team is very grateful to the LA DX Group, CDXC (Chiltern DX Club) - The UK DX Foundation, the Oceania Amateur Radio DX Group, and the Northern Ohio DX Association, who are the first four DX associations to have offered sponsorship to the 4W6A DXpedition. Thanks too go to Tony Burt, VK3TZ, of Rippletech Electronics who is kindly loaning three monoband vertical antennas for use on the DXpedition. We are also very grateful to a growing number of individuals who have also made donations towards the cost of shipping equipment to East Timor, the boat charter, the hire of the generators and the cost of fuel. All sponsors are listed, with thanks, on the 4W6A website at: If you or your DX club also wish to help, there is a 'Donations' page on the 4W6A website. Payments may be made by credit or debit card and you do not need to have a PayPal account yourself in order to make a donation.4W6A will be QRV from Atauro Island (IOTA OC-232), Timor-Leste (East Timor), from 16 to 26 September 2011. Activity will be on all bands 10 to 160 metres, using CW, SSB and RTTY. The QSL manager is M0URX, direct (SAE plus 1 IRC / 2 USDs), via the Bureau, or LoTW. The entire log will be uploaded to LoTW as soon as possible after the end of the operation or, if possible, even during the DXpedition. QSLs may also be requested using the QSL request form on the website."
Alex, W1CDC, is now active as 8R1A from Guyana until May
24th. Activity will be holiday style on 80-10 meters using CW and SSB.
He was heard this past weekend very active on 17 meters CW/SSB. QSL
via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
B7, CHINA (Update)
A Chinese team of operators, along with some operators
from Hong Kong, will activate B7P from Foshan City (WW. Grid OL63NA),
nearby Guangzhou City, during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 28-29th) as
a Multi-? entry. Operators mentioned are Terry/BA7NQ (leader), JinQuan/
BA7JC, Chow/BA7JK, Yang/BD7IXG, Paul/BA7JS and Wong/VR2KW. All QSLs
will be sent via Bureau. For direct cards, please QSL via their manager
C2, NAURU (Update/Callsign/Ops Needed/Web page)
The Pacific-DXer's Web
page is reporting that plans are progressing for the upcoming C21AA
DXpedition to take place between November 13th and December 5th. Operations
will be led by Bill, VK4FW, with liaison support by Eddie VK4AN. Operators
mentioned at this time are Eddie/VK4AN, Bill/VK4FW, Art/NJ7N, Julian/
W5SL and Tim/NL8F. They expect to have at least 3 stations active on all
bands 160-6 meters using CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31. They will also participate
in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a M/M or M/2 entry. A dedicated station
will be set up on 6 meters running in the beacon mode. QSL Managers are
the Pacific DXers, or by the Bureau via VK4FW. More operators are needed.
If interested, contact VK4AN or VK4FW for more information. For more
details and updates, watch the C21AA Web page at:
Operators Ivan/OE1DIA, Jozef/OM3GI, Tibor/
OM3RM and Julius/OM7JG will be active as CR3A during the CQWW WPX CW
Contest (May 28-29th) as a Multi-Single entry. Listen for the QSL route.
The callsign CR3A belongs to the CT3 Madeira Contest Team, and usually
QSL is via LoTW or CQ9K.
The Northern Ohio DX Association
(along with Janeen Hire, W8ZET) will once again sponsor a Hospitality
Suite at this year's Dayton Hamvention. It will be in Suite 1011 on the
10th Club Floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
evenings (Look for signs!). All DXers/Contesters are welcome. Munchies
and refreshments will be available. Come and meet the members and friends
Eric, KV1J, will once again be operating
from the Island of Miquelon ((NA-032, DIFO FP-002 WLOTA 1417, Grid GN17)
as FP/KV1J between October 24th and November 1st. Activity will be on
160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 (but primarily SSB and RTTY).
He will generally be on the highest frequency band that is open, and he
may try 6 meters if there is an indications of openings. He has no
permission for 60m. Also, look for him on the AO-51 satellite (and other
FM birds), weather permitting and if in the 2M/70cm mode. Eric will also
be in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th) as a Single-Op/All-Band
entry. QSL via KV1J, direct or by the Bureau and also LoTW. For more
details and update, check out his Web page at:
The MS0INT Team (Col/MM0NDX [team leader],
Christian/EA3NT, Ramon/EA3OR, Raul/EA5KA, Stan/EI6DX, Vincent/F4BKV
and Simon/IZ7ATN] will activate IOTAs EU-010, EU-059 and EU-111 in about
four weeks. The proposed timetable of their planned activities have now
been announced. They will attempt to follow this schedule as closely as
possible, but since the weather and seas dictate this expedition, their
plans may change suddenly. During transmissions they will regularly update
their operating locations should they differ from their intentions. The
tentative schedule is as follows:
June 14th - Look for MM/F4BKV and MM0NDX/p from South Uist (afternoon) and Berneray (evening) -- both EU-010.All QSL requests for MS0INT and MS0INT/p go via M0URX. All QSL requests for MM/
June 15th - Look for MM/F4BKV and MM0NDX/p from Benbecula; awaiting full team to arrive (morning) EU-010.
June 15th - The group will split into three teams of two to activate Grimsay, North Uist and Baleshare, EU-010 simultaneously on CW and SSB during the afternoon.
Team 1: MM/F4BKV and MM/EI6DX activate Grimsay
Team 2: MM/EA5KA and MM/EA3OR activate North Uist
Team 3: MM/EA3NT and MM0NDX/p activate Baleshare
June 15th - MM/IZ7ATN and others on air from Berneray during the evening.
June 16th - Depart Grimsay for Monach Isles, EU-111. Spend approx. 24 hours on Monachs. Callsign: MS0INT/p
June 17-20th - St Kilda Archipelago, EU-059 activity until latest 0800z on June 20th. Callsign: MS0INT. Three HF stations CW/SSB + 50Mhz (50MHz Trophy Contest included).
EU-001. (Update) Members of the "DX Plus" Hellenic Amateur Radio Team
will be active as SX5F from Farmakonisi Island (GIOTA DKS 057,
MIA MGD-009) and Lighthouse (WLOTA: L-3147, ARLHS: DOD-054)
between May 14-22nd. Operators mentioned are Sotirios/SV1HER,
George/SV1RP, Vasilis/SV1DPJ, John/SV1GE and Giannis/SV1GYG.
Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB and the Digital
modes. QSL via the RAAG Bureau. For more details, frequencies,
and online log info, see Web site at:
EU-043. Operators Sten/SM6MIS, Rick/SM6U, Bengt/SM6UQL, Tomas/SM6XMY, Pierre/SB6A and possibly others will be active as 7S6W from Vinga Island (WLOTA 1517) between May 19-22nd. Activity will begin during the afternoon of May 19th, through their departure at 1200z on Sunday, May 22nd. They plan to have 4 stations, each with 1 kW amplifiers, using CW, SSB and some RTTY. They will also try to be active in the Baltic Contest on Saturday night. For information and updates, visit:
EU-051. Members of the Radioamatori Siciliani nel Mondo (RAMS) will be active using the special callsign IE9Z from Ustica Island (I.I.A. PA 001), in front of the coast of Palermo (Sicily Island), between May 20-23rd. Operators mentioned are Maurizio/ IT9TQH (mainly CW operator), Antonio/IT9YMM, Carmelo/IT9TXF, Fabio/IT9AHI, Vincenzo/IT9ZIV, Sergio/IW9FSG and Roberto/IT9DVZ. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY, including the 30/17/12 meter bands with one TX for each band. Also, activity on 6 and 2 meters. QSL via the Bureau or direct to IT9TFX (w/2 USDs). For more details, see (
EU-067. Cliff, SV1JG, R.A.A.G Vice-President, will be active as SX8V during the CQWW WPX CW Contest from the Island of Milos. Also, look for activity before and after the contest. He will be signing SV8/SV1JG. QSL via SV1JG, direct or by the Bureau.
EU-120. After activating Lindisfarne (Holy)Island (also EU-120) this past weekend, operators Kev/M0TNX and Paul/G0WRE will activate a rarer island this coming weekend (May 20-22nd). Look for them to again be in the EU-120 IOTA Group, but from Hilbre Island which has not been activated for 10 years. The callsign for Hilbre will be GB2HI (Hilbre Island). Activity will be 40/30/20/ 17/15 meters, conditions allowing, and maybe 6 and 2 meters. Modes will be mainly on CW and SSB, with some on the Digital mode. This is a unique opprtunity, as Kev and Paul have been granted a special access/permission from Wirral Council, as they wish to publicize the beauty and nature surrounding Hilbre Island. For Lighthouse chasers, this activation will be valid for the WLOTA award. Again, the superb QSL services are by Charles, M0OXO, direct or by the Bureau or by his OQRS service at:
EU-171. Mic, DG5LAC, will once again be active as OZ/DG5LAC from Vendsyssel-Thy (DIA NJ-001, WW Loc. JO47GA) between now and May 19th. Activity will be holiday style on 80-10 meters using SSB only, and his FT-450AT, an Ameritron AL-811H amp and a DX-Wire Windom 42m antenna. QSL via his home callsign, the Bureau is preferred. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL.
NA-066. Operators Rick/K6VVA and Garry/NI6T will be active as K6VVA/6 from Santa Catalina Island, California, between 2100z, May 24th and 0500z, May 26th. Activity will be on 40-15 meters, mostly CW with some SSB. QSL ONLY via N6AWD. PLEASE NOTE: There will be two stations on the air May 25th (Eagle and Shark stations). For more details about the special plans for the ASIA/JA (EAGLE/SHARK) stations, see the Web page at:
NA-091. Operators Rick/K6VVA and Oliver/W6NV will be active as K6VVA/VE7 from Quadra Island, Canada, between 0500z, June 2nd and 0000z, June 5th. Activity will be on 40-15 meters, mostly CW with some SSB. QSL ONLY via N6AWD. Rick states, "Excellent location over salt water to EUROPE!!!" For more details and update, see:
NA-232. (New IOTA!) Look for Yuri, N3QQ, and other Russian Robinson Club members to be active as KL7RRC from St. Matthew Island, Alaska, between July 29th and August 5th. They are currently awaiting final permission by USFWS. For more details and updates, visit:
OC-119. (Update) Operators Dindo/DV1UD, Ed/4F1OZ, Gil/4F2KWT and possibly one more operator, will activate the rare Jolo IOTA group sometime later this month. Dates are to be confirmed and will be announced later. Operators are hoping to use the callsign DX8DX or DX8J, or possibly DU8/homecalls. More details are forthcoming.
OC-142. Operators Paul/VK4FPDW, Derek/VK4MIA, Mike/VK4QS and possibly one more operator will be active as VK4WIP from the Sandy Cape Lighthouse (AU0043) on Fraser Island during the International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend (August 20-21st). QSL via VK4WIP, direct (see (, by the Bureau or eQSL.
Members of the Florida Contest Group (FCG) will be active
as J7A, J79WI, J71W and J79FCG from Sea Cliff Cottages between May 21-31st.
Operators mentioned are George/K5KG, Dan/K1TO, Jim/WI9WI and Chris/NX4N.
Activity will be on 80-6 meters, no 60m and 160m (no antenna is planned).
The FCG team will be in the CQ WPX CW Contest as J7A. Outside of the
contest, operators will use the J79FCG (suffix - Florida Contest Group)
callsign primarily (and perhaps exclusively), but some operators do have
their own callsign. QSLs for J79FCG go only to K1TO with a SASE. Non SASE
direct cards will be answered by the Bureau. Bureau cards will be answered.
The log will be uploaded to both LoTW and eQSL. QSL J7A and J71W via NX4N.
QSL J79WI via WI9WI.
May 16 HN-AN SOLAR REFERENCE KEYS May 17 AN -------------------- May 18 AN BN - Below Normal May 19 AN AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET May 20 AN LN - Low Normal May 21 AN HN - High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED May 22 AN DIS - Disturbed VDIS - Very Disturbed *** SPECIAL NOTES FROM EDITOR: So, you do not have a HF radio handy, and you need to set your clock or want the WWV numbers? Well, try these phone numbers: 303-499-7111 -- Time Tick audio as you usually hear over WWV broadcasts. It may sound dead during the tick- tick duration, so wait. 303-497-3235 -- Solar Data report (continuously repeats) what you usually hear over WWV about every hour. GEOMAGNETIC REFERENCE --------------------- QUIET - The "A" index is expected to be between 0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or less UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between 7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or lessMJ0, JERSEY
Timo, OH6EI, will be active as OG0Z during the
CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-
Power entry. QSL via W0MM.
Pasi, OH3WS/OG3A, will be active as OJ0W from Market
Reef between May 14-21st. Activity will be limited to his spare time on
the HF bands using CW and SSB. Also, dates will depend on WX conditions.
QSL via home callsign OH3WS.
QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated May 15th) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9A8AMS via IZ4AMS F/ON4EME/P via ON4EME PI4ETL via PA1CPA 4S7VK via DJ9ZB GX6LD via M0RBG R1945HS via RW6HS (direct) 9A/IK4RQJ via IK4RQJ H77REX via TI4SU RG3K via UA3QDX 4L0CR via DL8KAC HI3/AL7JR via AL7JR RP66NMZ via UD6A 9A/IK3AES via IK3AES HI3/KL7JR via KL7JR (direct) SO1RE via DK8RE 4Z13AR via 4Z5NS HR5/F2JD via F6AJA SP5KCR via SQ5WWK 5B/US7IDX via RN3QO I5/I0SBA/P via I0SBA SV9/OZ7YY via OZ7YY 4JS0RGE via 4K4K (direct) IQ4FA via IZ4UEZ SY7R via SZ7SER AO3EU via EA-Bureau IR0LG via IZ0NNI T6JC via S57J BQ100 via BM2JCC JW7XM via JW7XM TA4/DL2RPS via DL2RPS DL/KL1A via RW3AH (direct OE-Address) TC3DEU via TA3X EA5/DL5EO via DL5EO KH2RU/KP4 via NP3O TI3/W7RI via AI4U EA5/G3XGS via G3XGS LT0H via EA7FTR TJ3IC via F5LGE EA8/G8BCG via G8BCG LV5V via LU5VV TM20KJJ via F6KJJ ED8ZAA via EA8RCK OK/DL6UNF/P via DL6UNF VR2UEU via JH9RUI EG9RCE via EA9CE OT7G via ON5MA YO/HA5TAA via 9A3JB EI66P via EI4JY PA6DEZWAAN via PA7ZEE Z23MS via UA3DX EM0BSCC via UU0JM PA6GST via PA9RD ZF2AT via DH2AK ER/K1WE via K1WE PD6MILL via PD7BZ ZF2TH via DL1THM9Q50ON LOTW UPDATE. The 9Q50ON crew reports that 31966 QSOs have been uploaded to LoTW. They state, "These are indeed more QSOs than originally made. This is because the QSOs made by Patrick back in July are also uploaded in LoTW + some callsign corrections that were made. From these 31966 Q's more than 40% have been confirmed. This indicates that more and more good DXers are using LoTW! Still +100 envelops are received every month. The next wave will be the conformation of the bureau QSLs."
QSL STATUS OF CE9/VE3LYC AND CE9/PA3EXX. Luciano, PT7WA, reports that QSL cards have arrived from the printer. Unfortunately, Cezar is on a business trip which will lead to an additional delay in the mailing out the direct QSLs. The operators state, "While we are very grateful to all the IOTA chasers for their understanding, we apologize for this delay."
LOGS AVAILABLE. The T6JC log are now available online at:
SILENT KEY. Oscar, YV5ANF, informs OPDX of the sad news that Mrs. Maria del Pilar LiaƱez, wife and mother of QSL Managers Francisco/EA7FTR and David/EB7DX, passed away last Saturday nighte in Huelva, Spain. She was in hospital after a long illness. OPDX and its readers send out our deepest sympathy to the family and friends.
VP8ORK QSL STATUS. Don, N1DG, informs OPDX that the VP8ORK QSL cards arrived a few days ago and the labels are now being printed. Expect to see the VP8ORK QSL card in your mailbox by end of the month for those who submitted via the OQRS. Also, Don has mentioned that he will be bringing QSL cards to the Dayton HamVention for those who did use the OQRS and E-mailed him requesting it.
T6, AFGHANISTAN (Cancelled/Update on DXpedition Donation Funds)
N6PSE, Co-Leader of the T6PSE DXpedition, sent out the following press
release (#4) on May 12th (edited):
Dear T6PSE DXpedition supporters:TC130/TC1919, TURKEY (Special Event)
Please accept our sincere regrets for having to cancel the DXpedition. This was a very difficult decision for us to make, particularly after we shipped all of our equipment to Afghanistan. We cancelled just hours before our flights to Kabul were to begin.The tragic death of Jim McLaughlin, WA2EWE, and the fear of reprisals for the killing of Osama Bin Laden made our security situation in Kabul very uncertain.
Due to our significant shipping costs, we do not have all of the donation money available to refund. The DXpedition team members have increased their contributions and at this time we are refunding 90% of all donation money that was received.
If this is not agreeable to you, please let me know. Please accept our gratitude for donating to this DXpedition.
Paul S. Ewing, N6PSE, Co-Leader T6PSE DXpedition
The Intrepid-DX Group, 3052 Wetmore Dr, San Jose, CA 95148 USA
TC1919ATA - Ham operators from Samsun will be on the air between May 18-20th. Operators mentioned are Ali/TA6P, Hihat/TA6U, Kadir/TA2IK, Mustafa/TA6RM and Ismail/TA7AO. QSL Managers are TA6P and TA6U.
TC130ATA - Members of the Turkish group called TCSWAT (Special Wireless Activity Team) will be on the air between May 16-22nd, to celebrate the 130th birthday/anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. The team will consist of Ali/TA7EB, Huseyin/TA7BC, Ammet/TA3AX, Bekir/TA2RX, Onur/TB2MYE and Tevfik/TA1HZ. Their activity will be from Canakkale-Istanbul and Giresun. QSL via TA1HZ.
Henri, TJ3AY, has been using the special callsign TJ3IC
since May 10th. He will continue to use the callsign until May 30th, to
commemorate the 51st anniversary of the independence of Cameroon. A
special QSL card is available via F5LGE.
Mike, VE2XB, will be active as V31XB from Caye Caulker
Island (NA-073) starting May 19th, for several weeks. Activity will be
on all HF bands, except 6m, using CW and SSB. Mike states that he will
be looking especially for JA stations to work this IOTA (as well as
everyone else). QSL via VE2XB (see ADDED NOTE: Mike will be
heading to J79-land in July for several weeks.
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