The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1529
BID: $OPDX.1529
August 30 2021
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Sent from Strongsville, Ohio
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K's AR Cluster Networks, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3OA, W3UR & The Daily DX, W4VA, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, DL1SBF, DL7UXG & The DX News Letter,, DX-World.Net, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G4MWO & the 5 MHz Newsletter, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, International DX Press, Pete Rayer & ISWL, Sixitalia Weekly and VA3RJ & ICPO for the following DX information. "Celebrating 30+ years (March 1991) of FREE DX News" "Could this be the final year???" ..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 22nd/August, through Sunday, 29th/August there were 208 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/n, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J6, J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S0, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XW, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS * PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later". 3X, GUINEA (Update/Interesting Callsign). Jean-Philippe, F1TMY (J28PJ), will be active as 3X2021 (interesting and correct callsign) from Conakry, Guinea, starting mid-September. He states that his activity will be on HF (160-6m) and on the QO100 (IJ39) satellite. He also states that there will be portable activities from the Los Islands (AF-051). Length of stay was not mentioned. QSL via ClubLog. 5H, TANZANIA. Maurizio, IK2GZU, will once again returned to "Mission Ilembula" to do some volunteer work at the Ikelu hospital and orphanage between September 25th and November 20th. He plans to be active during his spare time as 5H3MB on various HF bands using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. Maurizio will use his FT-891 and dipoles GP for 10 MHz. QSL via IK2GZU, direct, by the Bureau and ClubLog. Also, QSL via LoTW (after his return home) and eQSL. For more details, updates and an online log, visit his Web pages at: 5U, NIGER. Reports indicate that Adrien, F4IHM, will be back on the air again as 5UAIHM from Niamey between September 11th and October 22nd. Activity is usually very limited, but watch 40/20 meters CW between 1800-2030z. QSL via F4IHM, direct or by the Bureau. 60M NEWS. Paul, G4MWO, Editor of the 5 MHz Newsletter, reports in the "The 5 MHz Newsletter - No. 27 Summer 2021" edition: "48 countries make up the CEPT - European Conference of Postal & Telecommunications Admin- istrations. Of these, 39 countries now have an Amateur presence on 5 MHz. This makes a total of 81.25% or well over three-quarters of its members." This is just one great tidbit from "The 5 MHz Newsletter" which is 5 pages long. The summer edition also has a map that shows all the countries that currently have an official Amateur Radio presence on 5 MHz, whether it be by WRC-15, RR 4.4, Trial Basis or Individual Special Permits. The 5 MHz Newsletter -- Can be found freely available at any time at: The 5 MHz Newsletter Archive is at: G4MWO's Worldwide 5 MHz Amateur Allocations Chart at: 7Q, MALAWI. Vasco, 7Q7CT, a Portuguese operator that has been living in Lilongwe, Malawi, since 1992, announced on that he uses the following frequencies (suggested times were not provided): 40 meters -- between 7090-7098 kHz 20 meters -- between 14180-14200 kHz 15 meters -- between 21350-21360 kHz A list of his equipment (multiple transceivers and antennas) is listed on QSL via JH1AJT. He states that he uses echolink (SM-G965F/DS) and FaceBook: There are plently of pictures on FaceBook. 9A & EA8, CROATIA AND CANARY ISLANDS. By the time you read this, Michael, DF8AN, will be active as 9A/DF8AN from Croatia until September 12th. He plans to activate several different lighthouses. Activity will be on CW and the Digital modes; usually QRP. After his 9A/DF8AN, Michael will head to the Canary Island and activate Lanzarote Island (AF-004) between October 2-10th. QSL via DF8AN, direct or by the Bureau. NO LoTW. C5, THE GAMBIA (Update). Operators Luc/F5RAV, Gerard/F5NVF and Abdel/M0NPT will be active as C5C from The Gambia between October 24th and November 19th. Activity will be on various HF bands using CW, SSB, Digital and the QO-100 satellite. They are also planning to be active in CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 30-31st). QSL via F5RAV. ED3/EG1-EG8/EH1-EH8, SPAIN (Special Event). Once again look for the fol- lowing special event stations ED3SDC, EG1SDC through EG8SDC and EH1SDC through EH8SDC between September 1-12th. Activity is commemorating the festivity of Asturias Day and its patron saint, Santina de Covadonga. QSL all callsigns via EA1AUM, direct, by the Bureau, LoTW or eQSL. Special downloadable certificates are available. For more details, see: EG5, SPAIN (Special Event). Members of the URE section of Torrent (Valencia) Union of Radio Amateurs Torrent (EB5URT) will activate the special event callsign EG5DIC to celebrate "International Chocolate Day" (September 13th). Activity will take place between September 10-17th, starting from 1000 UTC on Friday, September 10th, until 2400 UTC on Sunday, September 19th. Operations will be on various HF bands (80-10m) using CW, SSB and the Digital mode (FT8). A downloadable special diploma/award (PDF) is available (see for details). QSL via the Bureau. GB0, ENGLAND (Special Event). Ed, M0MNG, will be active as GB0KSS (suffix Kent Surrey Sussex) from Littlehampton in support of Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex ( during the International Air Ambulance Week (IAW)[]. He plans to be active throughout the whole nine day event, starting Saturday, September 4th, until the following Sunday, September 12th. Activity will be mostly on 40 meters SSB above 7.1MHz, although he will appear on the higher HF bands if they are open. If you work this station (reference number A030) then it will count towards the IAW Award. Details are at: Ed states, "I don't have a dedicated QSL card for GB0KSS, but if you want one of mine (M0MNG) then I am happy to QSL direct or via the Bureau to M0MNG." GB1, ENGLAND (Special Event). Nigel, M0NJW, will be active as GB1SAK (suffix St. Annes Kites) from the St. Annes International Kite Festival on the north west coast of England, between September 3-5th. He states, "This coincides with SSB field day, and I'll be using a long wire antenna supported by a kite. I hope to work as many stations as possible over that weekend." QSL via M0OXO's OQRS. HK3, COLOMBIA. Lothar, DK8LRF, will once again be active as HK3JCL from Restrepo / Meta, near Villavicencio, Colombia, between September 1st until end of May 2022. Activity will be mainly on 20 meters SSB. QSL via his home callsign by the Bureau. HS400 & OZ400, THAILAND AND DENMARK (Special Event). To celebrate the 400th anniversary of good relationship ad trade between Denmark and Thailand, look for "special event stations" (SES) HS400OZ and OZ400HS to be active between September 1st and October 31st. Three special diplomas are available (Gold/Silver/Bronze) as well as special prizes. See for details. QSL HS400OZ via E21EIC or LoTW. QSL OZ400HS via ClubLog's OQRS. All logs for both SES callsigns will be uploaded to ClubLog, LoTW and eQSL. INDEXA NEWS (Summer Newsletter). The Summer 2021 Issue of the INDEXA Newsletter (Issue 133) is now available. Steve Molo, KI4KWR, Editor, reports: With the still no active DXpeditions, I've reached back to the Summer 2010 issue to reproduce the report on the 2009 Lord Howe Island DXpedition VK9LA. There is a list of Members we have lost contact with and if you can help us find them...THANK YOU!! Lastly I have a spotlight on Director Gary Dixon, K4MQG, who has been with INDEXA since 1983." The INDEXA Newsletter can be view at: IOTA NEWS. The following are IOTA operations that were active this past week between August 23-28th (as per the DXCluster): IOTA Callsign Island/GROUP Bands/Modes ------ ---------- ------------- ------------ AF-004 EA8ACW CANARY 20m; FT8 AF-004 EA8ED CANARY 20m; AF-016 FR5CB REUNION 30/17m; FT8/FT4 AF-019 IG9ITO PELAGIE 20m; SSB AF-032 5I3B Zanzibar 10m; CW AF-032 5I3W Zanzibar 40/10m; SSB AF-049 3B8BAP MAURITIUS 17m; FT8 AF-086 D4SAL WINDWARD 20m; SSB AS-004 5B4VL Cyprus 17m; SSB AS-007 JA2TQZ HONSHU 17m; SSB AS-007 JG1OUT HONSHU 17m; SSB AS-007 JG1XUZ HONSHU 30m; FT8 AS-007 JH0RVY HONSHU 80m; FT8 AS-007 JH1HDT HONSHU 17m; SSB AS-007 JH3CUL HONSHU 20m; FT4 AS-007 JH3NGD HONSHU 17m; SSB AS-007 JP2QXQ HONSHU 17m; SSB AS-007 JR3IIR HONSHU 20m; FT4 AS-018 RM0F SAKHALIN 17m; FT8 AS-013 8Q7PR MALDIVES 40m; CW AS-017 JR6YAA OKINAWA 15m; FT8 AS-031 JD1/JH1FFW OGASAWARA 17m; FT8 AS-076 JA5AQC SHIKOKU 17m; SSB AS-077 JA6FFO KYUSHU 20m; FT8 AS-078 JA8DCR Hokkaido 17m; FT8 AS-078 JA8FFB Hokkaido 80m; FT8 AS-078 JH8RBY Hokkaido 17m; SSB AS-078 JM8IXA Hokkaido 40m; FT8 EU-002 OG0C ALAND 30m; FT8 EU-002 OH0KRF ALAND 80/40/20/17m; SSB EU-004 EA6AMI BALEARIC 40m; FT4 EU-004 EA6C BALEARIC 30m; FT8 EU-005 G0HUZ/MM GREAT BRITAIN 20m; EU-005 G4WSB/P GREAT BRITAIN 40m; SSB EU-005 GW3UZS GREAT BRITAIN 17m; SSB EU-005 M0KCB/P GREAT BRITAIN 40m; SSB EU-005 M0MJA/P GREAT BRITAIN 20m; SSB EU-005 M0TPT/P GREAT BRITAIN 40m; SSB EU-015 SV9RKU CRETE 17m; SSB EU-024 IS0HMZ SARDINIA 20m; SSB EU-024 IS0YXL SARDINIA 20m; SSB EU-018 OY1CT FAROE 20m; CW EU-018 OY1DZ FAROE 30m; FT8 EU-025 IO9MMI SICILY 20m; CW EU-025 IT9BYS SICILY 40m; CW EU-029 OZ1RH SJAELLAND 20m; FT8 EU-029 OV1CDX SJAELLAND 17m; CW EU-031 IC8HRG Ischia 20m; SSB EU-042 DA0DFF Oland 40m; CW EU-046 LA6KOA TROMS COUNTY 17m; SSB EU-048 F4FMU/P BRETAGNE (MORBIHAN) REGION 40m; EU-053 OJ0WS MARKET REEF 20m; CW EU-054 IF9A EGADI 20m; CW EU-121 EJ7NET Gola 80/40/30/20m; CW/SSB/FT8/FT4 EU-131 I3BQC/P VENETO REGION 40m; SSB EU-131 IK3PQH/P VENETO REGION 40/20m; SSB EU-174 SV8/SV2CBA MAKEDONIA/THRAKI REGION 80m; FT8 NA-009 VE6FTP/VY0 Cornwalles 20m; SSB NA-015 CO8MCL CUBA 17m; FT8 NA-018 OX3XR GREENLAND 20m; CW NA-021 8P6ET BARBADOS 17m; FT8 NA-026 KC2YRJ NEW YORK STATE 20m; FT8 NA-036 VE7LKE BRITISH COLUMBIA PROVINCE 20m; FT8 NA-065 K9QJS San Juan 20m; SSB NA-067 AF2F/W4 Hatteras 20m; FT8 NA-099 WP3R PUERTO RICO 20m; SSB NA-107 FM4SA MARTINIQUE 20m; SSB NA-135 XE3BGM CAMPECHE STATE 40/20m; SSB OC-001 VK2DYN Australia 20m; FT8 OC-001 VK2PDX Australia 40m; FT8 OC-001 VK3EY Australia 20m; SSB OC-001 VK3GL Australia 30m; FT8 OC-001 VK5WU Australia 30m; FT8 OC-001 VK6MIT Australia 40/20m; FT8 OC-016 3D2AG VITI LEVU AND VANUA LEVU 30/20/17m; CW/FT8 OC-016 3D2USU VITI LEVU AND VANUA LEVU 17m; FT8 OC-019 AH6KO HAWAIIAN 20m; CW OC-019 KH6RDO HAWAIIAN 40m; FT8 OC-019 NH6JC HAWAIIAN 20/15m; CW/SSB OC-019 WH6R HAWAIIAN 20m; CW OC-021 YB0ECT JAVA 20m; CW OC-021 YB0IBM JAVA 15m; SSB OC-021 YB0KTT JAVA 20m; FT8 OC-021 YB1BA JAVA 20m; FT8 OC-021 YB1MIG JAVA 20m; CW OC-021 YC2DNF JAVA 20m; SSB OC-021 YC2DTC JAVA 15m; FT8 OC-021 YC2KJC JAVA 20m; FT8 OC-022 YC9BOX BALI 20m; FT8 OC-036 ZL1ANH NORTH 20m; SSB OC-036 ZL1MRC NORTH 20m; SSB OC-036 ZL3TE NORTH 30m; FT8 OC-042 4I1EBD LUZON 20m; SSB OC-088 YB7WBC BORNEO 20m; FT8 OC-097 5W1SA SAMOA 20/15m; FT8 OC-166 YE7LTN KALIMANTAN'S COASTAL EAST 30m; FT8 SA-002 VP8LP FALKLAND 20m; SSB SA-006 PJ4NX BONAIRE 17m; FT8 SA-011 9Y59IND TRINIDAD 40/20m; SSB SA-020 FY5KE FRENCH GUIANA 30m; CW SA-068 8R1AK/P Leguan 10m; SSB ** Thanks to the individuals who put the island/group and mode on their QSNs on their PacketCluster reports. The format we suggest is "Mode/IOTA#/Island or Group" (ex. FT8/OC-146/Celebes). EU-011. Members of the South Dorset Radio Society will be active as GB0SCI from St. Mary's in the Scilly Isles archipelago, SW of Land's End off the Cornish coast, between the evening of September 18th, and the morning of September 22nd. Operators mentioned are Ray/M0XDL, Stuart/M0SGV, Peter/G4UIX, Mike/G8VCN, Fred/G0LVF and Kevin/2EOKKV. Activity will be on various HF bands using CW, SSB, PSK and FT8. QSL via M0XDL, direct, eQSL or LoTW. EU-032. By the time you read this, Tom, DL1ASA, should be active as F/DL1ASA/p from the the Poitou-Charentes Region IOTA Group until September 1st. Activity is usually on 20m and 40m using CW and SSB. QSL via the Bureau. EU-047. Operators Markus/DJ4EL and Thorsten/DJ5TM will be active as DJ4EL/P and DJ5TM/P, respectively, from Memmert Island (WW Loc. JO33kp) sometime between September 2-5th. This island has never been activated before. Activity will be on 40/20 meters using SSB for only a few hours. Before and after their activity from Memmert Island, operators will be active also from Juist Island (also EU-047, WW Loc. JO33lq). QSL via their home callsigns. EU-124. Paul, G4PVM, will be active as GW4PVM from Holy Island (WW Loc. IO73QH, WAB SH28), Wales, between September 26th and October 1st. Activity will be holiday style on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB, with 100 watts into a vertical antenna. QSL via LoTW, eQSL and ClubLog for IOTA. NO QSL cards. EU-125. Fabian, DF3XY, is expected to be active as OZ/DF3XY from the Island of Romo (WWFF OZFF-0004) in Denmark while on holiday. His length of stay is unknown. He will use an Icom IC-7300 with a dipole antenna, mounted on a fiber pole about 10m over the ground as INV-V. QSL via his home callsigns, direct, by the German Bureau or eQSL. PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of thehave decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX, and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin...... ISWL CALLSIGNS (For September 2021). The following ISWL club callsigns will be used throughout the month of September 2021: GX4BJC/A - Operated by John, G8XTJ, located in Great Missenden, Bucking- hamshire. (IOTA EU-005, WAB-SP80, WLOTA-1841). MX1SWL/A - Operated by Peter, G0NQZ, located in Eastbourne, East Sussex. (IOTA EU-005, WAB-TQ50, WLOTA-1841). MX1SWL/P - Will also be used by Peter during September. ** Please, QSL all GX4BJC and MX1SWL callsigns via Dick, M5DIK, and NOT the individual operator. ** GB75ISWL - Operated by Herbie, G6XOU, located in Walton on the Naze, Essex. (IOTA EU-005, WAB-TM22, WLOTA-1841). ** Please QSL GB75ISWL via Herbie G6XOU. ** All callsigns via the Bureau,, or direct with return postage. (No IRCs in the UK). The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club. All QSL info is on: or or or via NO LoTW. JU1, MONGOLIA (SAT Op). Jaeseok, HL1WP (ex-HL2WP), is once again active as JU1WP from Ulanbator since July. Activity has been mainly on the LEO satellites using an IC-9700 with Serbian dual band yagi. More details are available on QSL only via LoTW. K2, UNITED STATES (Special Event). Special event stations K2A, K2R and K2S will be active between now and September 5th. The event is for the Amateur Radio Software Award and the 2021 Award Recipient Jordan Sherer (KN4CRD), the author of JS8Call?. QSL via direct with SASE. Detailed operating schedule is available at: * The Amateur Radio Software Award is an annual international award for the recognition of software projects that enhance amateur radio. The award aims to promote amateur radio software development which adheres to the same spirit as amateur radio itself: innovative, free and open. Every year the award commitee selects a recipient for the award. The award includes a monetary grant for the recipient. Visit ( for more information). They are accepting nomin- ations for the 2022 award at * ARSA committee awarded the 2nd annual Amateur Radio Software Award to Jordan Sherer, KN4CRD, and his project, JS8Call. The award committee has considered numerous factors in choosing this year's winner, including the project's impact on furthering the interests of amateur radio, innovation, and community involvement. JS8Call is a full- fledged weak-signal digital communication application for amateur radio operators. In the spirit of open-source, Jordan extended the popular FT8 protocol instead of reinventing the wheel. During the 5 years of development, JS8Call has become a new tool for ARES functions and has cultivated a community of radio enthusiasts for digital com- munications. Jordan's work on JS8Call provides important innovation to advance the art of radio in the digital field. JS8Call is licensed under GPLv3 and can be freely downloaded at ( The ARSA committee is proud to present the 2021 Amateur Radio Software Award Certificate and an award grant of $300 to Jordan Sherer, the project owner and core contributor of the JS8Call application. They are looking forward to next year's Amateur Radio Software Award. Input and nominations for future awards are welcome. LY785, LITHUANIA (Special Event). Valerijus, LY2QT, will be active with the special event callsign LY785QT from Siauliai during the month of September. Activity is to celebrate 785th anniversary of the City of Siaulai. Activity will be on various HF bands and modes. QSL via LY2QT. LZ23, BULGARIA (Special Event). Members of the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs (BFRA) will be hosting the 23rd IARU R1/European ARDF Cham- pionships and the 18th European Youth ARDF Championships. Both events will take place simultaneously in Bansko, Bulgaria, between August 28th and September 3rd. BFRA will be on the air signing LZ23ARDF from Bansko. The Championship venue will be held at the most famous Bulgarian winter ski resort, 130 kilometers south of Sofia in the Pirin Mountains foot- hills, but it is also beautiful in summer. QSL via the LZ QSL Bureau. N7, UNITED STATES (Special Event/Never Forget). Members of the American Legion Post 10 Amateur Radio Club (N7ALA) will be active using the special event callsign N7F (Never7Forget) between September 9-12th. Activity is to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Their schedule is as follows: September 9th 1600z to September 10th 0200z September 10th 1600z to September 11th 0200z September 11th 1600z to September 12th 0200z September 12th 1600z to September 13th 0200z Activity will be on 40/20 meters using SSB, PSK-31 and CW. Club members may operate from home QTH. QSL with SASE sent to: N7F Never Forget, c/o American Legion Post 10, 1215 Pacific Blvd SE, Albany, OR 97321. OE120, AUSTRIA (Special Event Update/Reminder). Look for the following special event callsign with the "OE120" prefix to be on the air between now and December 31st. Activity is to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Austria's Nobel Prize Laureates. The OEVSV Landesverband Steiermark organizes this event with special activities with special callsigns and awards with several diplomas available. The special callsigns are: OE120AGD (eQSL), OE120BKC (Bureau via OEVSV), OE120DMT (via Bureau), OE120SGU (LoTW/eQSL), OE120TWA (via OE3TWA), OE120U (Club OEVSV, ADL601), OE120WDR (no QSL), OE120XFG (via OE6WIG), OE120XGM (direct/eQSL), OE120XKJ (no QSL), OE120XDX (via OEVSV/direct), OE120XRC (via OE3CQB Bureau/eQSL) and OE120XYK. There will be 4 special awards available (Basic, Master, Basic-CW, Master-CW). The rules and requirements for the acquisition of the diplomas are available here: For any inquiries: OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). Details on how to subscribe and unsubscribe from the "OPDX Mailing List" are at the bottom of this bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around.... Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW PLEASE NOTE: OUTLOOK users PLEASE read below. PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (August 30th-September 5th)....... Aug/30th LN Sep/02nd HN Sep/04th HN Aug/31st HN Sep/03rd HN Sep/05th AN Sep/01st AN SOLAR REFERENCE KEYS/INDEXES AND GEOMAGNETIC REFERENCE ------------------------------------------------------ NORMALITY GEOMAG K Values Alpha ----------------- ------ -------- ------ AN - Above Normal Quiet K=0-1 0-7 HN - High Normal Unsettled K=2 8-15 LN - Low Normal Active K=3 16-29 BN - Below Normal Minor Storm K=4 30-49 DIS - Disturbed Major Storm K=5 50-99 VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9 100-400 Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites for propagation: * VOACAP predication Web page at: and * DX.QSL.NET Propagation page: * A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at: * SolarHam Web page: * Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at: * Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) & National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminisration (NOAA): * News and Information About The Sun-Earth Environment: * Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve overseas locations are at: * Information and tutorials on propagation are at: * Graphic propagation tool by DR2W: * Point to point propagation at: * Real-time propagation at: * Also on Twitter: QSL INFO AND NEWS................... QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF ( (August 29th) QSL-INFO from various sources provided by OPDX ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3DA0AQ via EAA5GL EM30RUARL via UX7UU OS3VS via ON3VS 4A2MAX via XE2N EP2MRK via RW6HS OS8D via ON8DN 4L6DL via LZ1OT ER30MD via ER1BF & (L) OY1DZ via F5CWU & (L) 4O/UT8UU/P via UT8UU EW/LY2SL via LY2SL OZ/HB9EAJ/P via HB9EAJ (L) 4U1A via UA3DX F/HB9AFI/P via HB9AFI OZ50SOUND via OZ3EDR 5I3B via EA3BT F/I1WKN/P via I1WKN PA/DL1KVN via DL1KVN 5I3W via EA3BT HB0/IK3TND via IK3TND (d) PA6WSD via PA9RD 5T5PA/P via PA5X HB9/DH8WN/P via DH8WN PI4COM via PA1AW & (L) 5X3R via IK2DUW HF60B via SQ5ABG PW7M via PS7HD 7S5A via SM4DDS IK2GSO/IA5 via IK2GSO PX4M via PY4ME (d/L) 8S9J via SM5TOG IR2C via IK2FTB R100KOMI via R1II 9A/OE3DEC via OE3DEC IS0/OE2UKL via OE2UKL R1221NN via RJ3T 9M2PPM via 9M2VJP (d) K4H via W4IBM R20RTA via R7AA 9M64MM via 9M2MDX (d) OE/DL7UZO/P via DL7UZO R20RTP via R7AA A35JP via JA0RQV (O/B/d/L) OE100GOA/3 via OE1GOA SI6T via SM6LZQ & (L) A61BG via EA7FTR OE120AGD via OE6AGD SO7M via SP7PKI AP2IN via IK2DUW OE120BKC via OE3BKC SP0PILKON via SP3ZBY CO8MCL via CO8MCL (L) OE120DMT via OE7DMT (B) SU9VB via UA4WHX CT/HB9GIP via HB9GIP OE120SGU via OE3SGU (L/e) SV0GU via DL4SV CT9/DD8ZX via DD8ZX & (L) OE120U via OE6XUG SV7/SV2CNE/P via SV2CNE CT9/DJ9KM via DJ9KM & (L) OE120WDR via OE7WDR (P) TC1LHS via YM1KE D4SAL via EA7KNT OE120XDX via OE8HAQ TM1COB via F5MFV DL0LNW via DE2HJW OE120XFG via OE6WIG TM6X via F5VHY DL0MFK via DL2ARH OE120XKJ via OE7MPI (P) TZ4AM via W0SA DL0WFF via DL2JIM & (L) OE120YXK via OE8YXK UE80PQ via RN1ON DN2ALY via DL2ALY OE6XMF via OE6NFK V85A via EB7DX DQ9Y via DF2SD (O/L) OG0C via OH5CW (B/L) VK0PD via EB7DX E2A via E21EIC OH/OK2WX via OK2WX VK5/N2TA via RN3RQ EA6/EA2GM/P via EA2GM (e) OH0/SP1F via SP1F XQ3WD via XQ4CW EF1A via EA1X OH0EG via SP1EG YQ6A via YO6BHN EJ7NET via EI6FR (d) OH5/DG2SBL via DG2SBL YT1914CER via YU1ANO EM30AUARL via UX7UU OJ0WS via OH3WS Z36T via DJ0LZ EM30EUARL via UX7UU & (L) ON/F4GYG/P via F4GYG (L/e) ZA/DL3JH via DL3JH EM30LUA via UR6LF OO2O via ON4LDI ZC4GR via EB7DX & (L) EM30QUARL via EM30QUARL (UR-B) OR1Z via ON6IX ZW16ZT via PT7ZT (d/L) (e) eQSL only (d) direct only (B) Bureau only (*-B) DX's- Bureau (O) OQRS only (C) ClubLog only (L) LoTW only (N) No QSL needed (I) No IRC (P) PayPal (NB) No Bureau (n) no printed QSLs (P) Please send no QSL (**) QSL automatically via Bureau - do not send QSLs LOGS ONLINE AT CLUBLOG.ORG THIS WEEK...... (Updated) (Updated) (Updated) QSLS RECEIVED VIA LoTW: 3D2AG, 8N2OLP, A41KB, EA7IWX, ET3JA, F4IVV, F6KOP, FG1GW, J8DX, KH6CJJ, N4BAA, OH1NX, P29VCX, SM6CVX, VE3ZN, VY2GF, W1XX, WH7T, WP3C, XW0LP, YE7LTN and YU1LA QSLS RECEIVED VIA MAIL: 7D5RI (OC-245), 7Q7RU, A25RU, A71CT, AA1AC (NA-031), C92RU, FY5FY, HV0A, JA2CSH, JT1CO, K4D (NA-085), KL7FBI (NA-037), KT3Q/4 (NA-142), NL0H (NA-040), RI0FF (AS-025), RI0Q (AS-152), SV2RSG/A, T6AA, TG9ADM and VP9EME QSLS RECEIVED VIA THE BUREAU: 4U1A, 4U2STAYHOME, 4U75A, 5B/R7LP, 5H3UA (AF-032), 5T3WW, 7O6T, 9Q9RR (Romeo Stepanenko!), EX0QR, OJ0/UA4WHX, P3AA, P3W, R1MVC (EU-117), R1MVF (EU-117), R63RRC, R71RRC (AS-071), R207RRC (AS-207), RI0KV (AS-027), RI0Q (AS-152), RT92KA (AS-092), TI9/RA9USU, VK5MAV/6 (OC-266) and VK5MAV/8 (OC-229) --- We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc) send in their info.... R875, EUROPEAN RUSSIA (Special Event). Special event station R875GE will be active from Yelets, Lipetskaya oblast, between September 1-5th, to commemorate the 875th anniversary of Elets City. Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL via the Bureau. S5030, SLOVENIA (Special Event). Alex, S50DX, is active as S5030DX from Prevalje until December 31st, to celebrate 30th anniversary of the in- dependence of the Republic of Slovenia. QSL via LoTW or eQSL. SPECIAL EVENT (Highway to a DX Party!). The Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club of San Bernardino (, California, is once again hosting (probably one of the most fun special event activities) the 22nd annual "Route 66 On The Air" special event between 0000z on Saturday, September 11th and 2359z on Sunday, September 19th. The purpose of this event is to offer amateur radio operators a fun way to "Relive the Ride" of their own memories of Route 66, and to celebrate the highway's 95th anniversary. The U.S. Highway 66 established in 1926, was the first major improved highway to link the west coast with the nation's heartland. Through stories, songs, and TV shows, the highway came to symbolize the spirit of the freedom of the open road, inspiring many to see America. Look for the following 22 stations (two are rovers) operating in or around the major cities along the old "Route 66" from Santa Monica, California, to Chicago, Illinois: Stations City Clubs/Individuals -------- -------------------- ------------------------- W6A Santa Monica, CA Westside Amateur Radio Club W6B Los Angeles, CA Westside Amateur Radio Club W6C San Bernardino, CA Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club W6D Victorville, CA Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club W6E Barstow, CA Barstow Amateur Radio Club W6F Kingman, AZ (#1) K2 Amateur Radio Society W6G Flagstaff, AZ Northern Arizona DX Association W6H Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque DX Association W6I Amarillo, TX Panhandle Amateur Radio Club W6J Stroud, OK Mid-Del Amateur Radio Club W6K Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma City Auto Patch Association W6L Tulsa, OK Tulsa Amateur Radio Club W6M Tribune, KS Western Kansas Amateur Radio Club W6N Joplin, MO Joplin Amateur Radio Club W6O Lebanon, MO Lebanon Amateur Radio Club W6P St. Louis, MO St. Louis Amateur Radio Club W6Q Chicago, IL Six Meter Club of Chicago W6R Springfield, MO Southwest Missouri Amateur RC W6U Wilmington, IL Wilmington Area Amateur Radio Club W6V* Kingman, AZ (#2) Hualapai Amateur Radio Club * New Station Added This Year!! ROVER STATIONS ---------------- W6S ROVER 1 Northern Arizona DX Association W6T ROVER 2 Northern Arizona DX Association Special event stations are expected to be found in the vicinity of the following frequencies. (Look for digital modes in the standard band segments for such mode) All frequencies +/- QRM: CW - 3533, 7033, 10110, 14033, 18080, 21033, 24900, 28033 and 50033 kHz SSB - 3866, 7266, 14266, 18164, 21366, 24966, 28466 and 50166 kHz Digi - 3573, 7074, 10136, 14074, 18100, 21074, 24915 and 28074 kHz R66 MOBILE Operations - Any amateurs operating while actually driving along Route 66 during the special event period are encouraged to take part in "Route 66 On The Air", by using the designation "mobile 66" for SSB or "/m66" for CW after their callsigns. All other amateur radio operators are welcome to contact these mobile operators. NOTE: W6S AND W6T ARE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENT ROVER/ MOBILE STATIONS AND WILL BE ENDORSED ON THE EVENT CERTIFICATE. REPEATERS - Some of the participating clubs will also be operating this event from their local VHF/UHF repeaters. Check the ARRL repeater guide for possible repeater frequencies, if you're in the local area. 2021 ROUTE 66 - LOG SHEET: This simple log sheet can be used during the event for a quick log record. Simply click on the link below and print off. When printing make sure it's in "Landscape" orientation. PLEASE NOTE: This sheet is NOT to be used to request a certificate as you must fill out the application found under the "2020 Route 66 On The Air" tab on home page, then click the "Certificate/Decal Request..." tab. QSL - Each participating club will issue their own QSL card commemorating this event. QSL information is available on the Web at: CERTIFICATE/DECAL REQUEST - For more details about the event and the certificate that is available, please visit the "Route 66 OTA Site" at: SX021, GREECE (Special Event). Operators Manos/SV1IW and Miroslav/YT7MPB will activate the special event callsign SX021IEEE between September 1-15th. Activity is to promote the 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) 2021 ( which take place in Athens, Greece, between September 5-8th. See for more details. All contacts will be confirmed via the Logbook of the World (LoTW). For a paper QSL please send your QSL card to the SV QSL Bureau Att. SV1IW. TI200, COSTA RICA (Special Event). Members of the Radio Club of Costa Rica (TI0RC) will be active as TI200I from San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, between September 1-30th. Activity is to celebrate the 200th anni- versary of the Independence of Costa Rica. Operators mentioned are Carlos/ TI2CC, Gus/TI2ALF, Carlos/TI2BSH, Eugenio/TI2CCC, Charlie/TI5CDA, Luis/ TI2CLX, Gregory/TI2GBB, Hugo/TI2HAS, Javier/TI2JS, Rob/TI3RCS, Eduardo/ TI2SD, Victor/TI2VVV, Alfonso/TI3ATS, Jon/TI5JON, Juan "JC"/TI5VMJ, Kamal/N3KS/TI5, Adrian/TI2LCO, Juan/TI2JCY, Francisco/TI2OKY and Minor/ TI2YO. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB, FT8, RTTY, PSK31 and the Satellites. QSL via LoTW. For QSL and certificate info: TL, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Getting ready for their next DXpedition to Bubaque Island (AF-020), Guinea Bissau, as J5T (CW-SSB-RTTY) and J5HKT (FT8) between October 9-22nd, the members of the Italian DX Team have announced their plans for a DXpedition to Central African Republic as TL8AA (CW-SSB-RTTY) and TL8ZZ (FT8) during the Spring of 2022. Plans are to have 7 operators and 4 stations to be active on 160-6 meters. Look for more details to be forthcoming. Also, watch for updates at: VK9N, NORFOLK ISLANDS. A few sources are reporting that Nick, VK2DX, will be moving to Norfolk Island later this year, and should be active as VK9DX around Christmas time. He states that 80m is his favorite band, and expects to be very active on that bands, all modes. His new location has five acres on a hilltop 400 ft. above the ocean, with a number of 40m pine trees. However, both NSW and Norfolk Island are in a lockdown, but they are optimistic that travel will resume in a month or two. W1, UNITED STATES (Special Event/Transatlantic Tests of 1921). Mark your calendar. 2021 marks the 100th year anniversary of the historic Trans- atlantic Tests where radio amateurs using the callsign 1BCG were respon- sible for the first successful radio communication across the Atlantic Ocean on "short waves". On December 11, 2021, the American Radio Relay League, The Radio Club of America and the Antique Wireless Association will recreate these historic transmissions on 160 meters near the same location in Westport, Connecticut, that was used in 1921, using a replica transmitter constructed by volunteers at the Antique Wireless Association, and operating as W1BCG, the callsign of the Shoreline Amateur Radio Club. This special event is your opportunity to relive a historic moment in amateur radio history. The operating schedule and frequency for the 1BCG Transatlantic Tests Special Event has not been established. Additional details will be posted on the following Web page when they are available: W2, UNITED STATES (Special Event/We Will Never Forget). Members of the Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club (GSBARC)[W2GSB] and the Northeast Wireless Radio Club [NW2C] will activate the special event callsign W2T from Fort Totten Park (Army Base) Queens, NY, on September 11th, between 10 am EST to 8 pm EST. Activity is to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center. Operations will be on various HF bands using CW, SSB, satellites and the Digital modes. Please visit the W2T page after the event to get a downloadable certificate only. W8S SWAINS ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS. Steve/AG4W and Adrian/KO8SCA attended the Huntsville hamfest last weekend where Adrian also gave a successful W8S presentation at the NADXC banquet. The current plans for the W8S Swains Island DXpedition is to take place during the Spring of 2022. Swains Island is ranked #30 on the ClubLog's "Most Wanted List". The W8S team consists of 10 members: Hans/DL6JGN (Team Leader), Ronald/PA3EWP (Co-Team Leader), Uwe/DJ9HX, Axel/DL6KVA, Steve/AG4W, Adrian/KO8SCA, Martin/PA4WM, Marcel/PA9M, Gerben/PG5M (QSL Manager) and Rainer/DL2AMD. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB, FT8 and RTTY, with 4 stations from 2 separate camps. It is a 12 hour boat ride from American Samoa (KH8). For more details and updates, see the following URLs pages: Swains Island DXpedition Web page -- Facebook -- Twitter -- ZW16, BRAZIL (Special Event). Mor, PT7ZT, is now active as ZW16ZT to celebrate the 16th Paralympic Games (being held in Tokyo) until September 5th. Activity will be on various HF bands using SSB and the Digital modes. Most of his activities have been on 40/20/17/15 meters using FT8. QSL via PT7ZT, direct or LoTW.
** PLEASE NOTE FOR OUTLOOK USERS: PLEASE put your E-mail address also in the body of the message.