The Ohio/Penn Dx 9acketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 501
BID: $OPDX.501
March 05, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, KT1J, NC1L, N2NB, WB2YQH/WB2RAJ & The 599 DX Report, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4GN, WB4PVT, WD4NGB, N5FG, N6RT, K8YSE, NE8Z, W9VA, CT1BNW, CT1END, CT1ERK, DJ7ZG, DL1EK & DX News Letter, DL2FAG, G3SXW, G4ZVJ, HA5LV, HA0HW, HK3JJH, I0MWI, IK7JWX, IN3ZNR, IZ8AJQ, JA3MZB, JM1LRQ, PA5ET, PY2KQ, RZ3EC, UA6CW, VE3EXY, YB5QZ, ZR1DQ and the ARRL Letter for the following DX information.
My wife and I would like to thank the many who sent
congratulation messages on OPDX's 500th issue. We hope to continue to
provide you with the up-to-date DX information each week best as we
can. As long as the DX Community provides the info, we will continue
to send it out....... 73 and GUD DX de Tedd KB8NW
According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 25/Feb, through Sunday, 4/Mar there were 243 countries
active. Countries available: 1S, 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3D2/r, 3V, 3W, 3Y/b,
4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1U, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y,
7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2,
A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE0Z, CE9,
CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D6, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK,
EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR,
FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK,
HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT,
JW, JX, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH3, KH6, KH9, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY,
LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY,
PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S5, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T31, T32, T33, T7, T8,
T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR,
V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP9, VQ9,
VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB,
ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZK3, ZL, ZP and ZS.
There were 37 CQ Zones available during the past week.
CQ Zones that were not active are: 2,3,4
There were 51 ITU Zones available during the past week.
ITU Zones that were not active are: 3,4,7,8,9,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31,
PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its size) with a complete breakdown and "DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity".
Alan, 3C5A, who is active on 6 meters, expects
to leave here in April.
This operation is now QRT. The team had a bumpy trip
back to Fiji due to Tropical Cyclone PAULA. However, the team made it back
safely in spite of the terrible sea-sickness they had. The team net 30,000
QSOs on the operation. Look for the logs to be available after March 9th
on the Web page:
Just a reminder (Please refer to OPDX.495) to look
for a team of Chilean and German operators to be active from here as 3G0Y
now through March 19th. Operators mentioned are: Alfredo/CE3WDD, Sergio/
CE3WDH, Fred/DK1BT, Falk/DK7YY, Tom/DL2OAP, Mar/DL3DXX, Jan/DL7UFN,
Norbert/DL9NEI and Danilo/XQ3ZW. The team plans to be active mainly on
CW and RTTY. Operations will be on all HF bands, but with an emphasis
on the lower bands and the WARC bands. QSL via DK7YY. For more information,
check their Web site at:
By the time you read this, Chuck, 3Y0C, should have departed
from Bouvet as of March 4th. He was picked up by the ship "RV Lance"and
headed to Cape Town, and is expected to arrive around March 10th.
OPDX received the following message from Bob, WB2YQH,
Editor of "The 599 DX Report": "After several weeks of considering all the
circumstances here at '59(9)', we have decided to retire from the DX bulletin
business. This was not an easy decision. We started this publication from
the ground up 7 years ago. It has grown to be the largest of the U.S. paid
subscription newsletters. Each issue was created with care and dedication to
deliver a full and complete issue. We have sold the subscription list for
all versions to Bernie McClenny, W3UR, Publisher of The Daily DX. Bernie's
journalistic style closely matches ours and we are certain he will provide
you with the same high quality newsletter each week. He has a solid DX
background to satisfy all your DX needs. This publication will be called
The Weekly DX and will be available in paper and PDF versions. He will
provide you with all the details next week. All your subscriber information
has been forwarded to him. Any renewals received here will be forwarded to
him as well. We are retaining the company name and the Flying Horse Callbook
business as The 59(9) DX Report - Callbook Distributor. We will continue to
offer the WARC Award and the current QSL Pipeline Directory. We have
enjoyed all your positive comments along the way. Thank you all for your
support. A special Thank You to my wife, the creator of the layout and all
the graphics, for being there every week to proofread the issue. Thanks for
staying with us, it's been a great ride."
An Italian group consisting of Silvano/I2YSB, Paolo/I2UIY and
Marcello/IK2DIA are now active until March 12th. The team was active
during last weekend's ARRL Contest as 5U5A. However, look for them to be
active this week as 5U2T on CW and 5U2K on SSB. There has been a lot of
activity on 40-10 meters, especially the WARC bands. QSL via I2YSB direct
or via the ARI Bureau. Also, check out the following Web page for details
and an online log search:
9M0, SPRATLY ("The UnDXpedition", refer to OPDX.498)
Members of the
Central Arizona DX Association (Darryl/AF7O, Dennis/AF7Y, Sally/KM5EP,
Mike/N7MB, Dan/NA7DB, Jerry/WB9Z and Luis/XE1L) are now active as 9M0M.
Some members were active in the ARRL DX SSB Contest during the past weekend.
Activity will be 80-10 meters CW/SSB. QSL via K7XN. For more information,
check their Web site at:
Andy, G4ZVJ, plans to operate CW only from 9M6AAC,
East Malaysia from March 8-12th. His activity will include an entry in
the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (BERU).
Hasnat, AP2HA, has been active on RTTY around 21081 kHz
between 1330-1430z.
An operation sponsored by the Costa Verde Radio Club will
sign with a special callsign CQ1CV on the air from Portugal during the
CQ WPX 2001 SSB weekend. The site of operation will be on the northern
border close to Spain on Serra Amarela at roughly 1200m altitude. The
entry will be Multi-Single with 6 operators joining the team: CT1ENQ/Miguel,
CT1ERK/Antonio, CT1ETE/Paulo, CT1GFK/Antonio, CT1GPQ/Goncalo and CT2GTP/
Paulo. All these operators have good contest experience. The team will
be active on all 6 bands and is aiming at the World Top Ten spot and will
do their best to get there.
Cupido, CT1BNW, informs OPDX that he will be active
during the next two CQ WPX Contests with special callsigns to celebrate
the event "Porto 2001", the Capital European of Culture (CEC). Look for
him on SSB, March 24-25th, to sign CQ3CEC. Look for him on CW, May 26-27th,
to sign CQ4CEC. QSL via CT1BNW.
This operation is now QRT. Reports indicate that they excessed
over 160,000 QSOs, with RTTY QSOs exceeding 4000, PSK exceeding 1,000 and
FM 3,200. It will be a while before someone breaks this record.
Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, reports, "We just approved ST0P for
DXCC credit. It was on the bad list for lack of documentation since
the middle of last year. The documentation has been reviewed and it
is OK. People can now receive DXCC credit. Anyone who has submitted
it and had it rejected can contact us and we'll be able to update
their record without having to submit the card again. If not, it can
be sent in the next submission."
Well known DXer Martti Laine, OH2BH, had a temporary
escape from the rather cold OH-land and was active this past week from
his Canary Islands QTH as EA8BH for the ARRL DX SSB Contest. It was reported
that Martti has offered a drink on his account at HamCom in Texas, June
9-10th, for those who were lucky to work him on all six bands. See the
following Web page for details:
Jacky, F2CW, is currently active
from here as TX5CW (but earlier in the week as FK/F2CW). He has been
active mainly on CW on 30/20/17/15/10 meters at various times. However,
here is the great news. "The Daily DX" is reporting that Jacky will be
heading a group of four operators to activate Chesterfield Islands (DXCC's
newest entity) between April 24th and May 8th. Reportedly, arrangements
have been made for a chartered sailboat to take the team there. Dany,
F5CW, and at least two other operators will join the group. They expect
to have 3 stations active. There will be a special effort on the lower
bands and 15 meters. More details are forthcoming.
Viktor, HA5LV, informs OPDX that operators in HA-land are
still waiting to be permitted to use 6 meters. Any reports of activity
are SLIMS.
Pedro, HC1OT, is now active from San Cristobal
Island, Galapagos, as HC8Z until March 8th. QSL via NE8Z: Rick Dorsch,
Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139 USA.
Babs/DL7AFS and Lot/DJ7ZG will be on tour again
and will be active from here as DL7AFS/HI9 and DJ7ZG/HI9, respectively.
They should be active now through March 23rd. Activity will be on 80-6
meters on SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via DL7AFS.
Pedro, HK3JJH, informs OPDX that he will
leave for Malpelo April 4th and his operation will start April 7th (if
all goes well).
AS-NEW. Bill-Chen, BV9BC, from the "Eastern Branch of Chinese Taipei
Amateur Radio League" reports to look for BV9O from Orchid
Island (Lan-Yu) from March 15-19th. Operations from this new
IOTA will take place from Lang-Tao Elementary school. QSL via
BV8BC: Bill-Chen, Box 222, Taitung-city 950, Taiwan.
AS-056. Masa, JA6GXK, will be active from Danjo Archipelago (Meshima Island) now through March 8th during his spare time. Suggested schedule is as follows: March 5th 1000-1500z, March 6th 1000-1500z, March 7th (no times) and March 8th 1000-1100z. Activity will be on 40 meters, 14260 and 21260 kHz +/-10 kHz. Operations will be on SSB/CW/SSTV. This is not a DXpedition. QSL only via the Bureau.
OC-066. HA9RE is active as FO0ARE from Tuamotu Island. His length of stay is unknown. QSL Manager is HA8IB.
OC-144. Irfan, YC4FIJ, a resident on Belitung Island, can be found a few days during the week on or around 21260 kHz between 1200-1600z. QSL via YC9BU.
OC-201. Bob, G3PJT, will be active from Waiheke Island as ZL4CC from March 8-13th. His activity will be mainly on CW, however, he does plan to participate in the RSGB Commonwealth CW Contest. QSL via G3PJT (direct or bureau).
The "Campania Contest Team" will participate in all major
contests throughout the year of 2001 with special callsign IQ8S. The team
operators are: IZ8AJQ, IZ8DBJ IZ8CEV, I8TLI, IZ8CSD and IK8YBE. QSL via
IZ8DBJ direct (or via bureau) to: Mario Pesce, P.O. Box 15, ZIP 80070
Bacoli (NA), ITALY.
A station signing JD1BIA was active over the weekend
during the ARRL Contest running 10 watts on 21353 kHz. Length of stay
is unknown.
Nob, JM1LRQ, will be active as KH0/JM1LRQ from
Saipan Island (OC-086), March 22-26th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters
CW/SSB. He plans to participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as Multi-Band
entry. Nob states that he will concentrate on CW outside of the contest.
QSL via the bureau or direct to: Nobuyuki Arai, 5-6-1-1002 Kitayamata,
Tsuzuki, Yokohama, 224-0021, Japan.
Rob Snieder, PA5ET, reports that "The Low
Land DXpedition Team (LLDXT) is currently planning the 'Caribbean Tour
2001' to Grenada (J3) and St.Vincent (J8) which will be held in August/
September 2001. We are looking for excellent operating spots on both
islands preferable on the north side, or on a hill with free sight to
the north. The locations should at least have 2 bedrooms, big living and
plenty of space in the garden to setup yagi's, verticals and wire antennas.
We found several nice villa's on the Internet but all of them are very
expensive. Who can give us some valuable information/tips which can
contribute to a big success of this years tour." If you can help, send
an E-mail to Rob at:
Also, visit the LLDXT Web page at:
This operation is over, making around 7800
QSOs. OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive the complete press
release/summary as an additional bulletin.
The ARRL Letter reports that the British Virgin Islands has a new QSL
Bureau address effective immediately. It's BVI QSL Bureau, PO Box 4,
West End, British Virgin Islands.
QSL cards have finally arrived from the printers for the July 2000 operations of FP/KT1J, FP/N1JEZ and KT1J/CY9 (all via K1WY DXA), and WV2B/CY9 and WA4RX/CY9 (both via N2AU). Direct and bureau cards will be mailed very shortly.
Alfred, IK7JWX, inform OPDX that EQSLs are available for: IK7JWX, IK7JWX/7, IK7JWX/P, IK7JWX/ILH, IK7JWX/ZA, IK7JWX/IJ7, IK7JWX/IL7, IJ7/IK7JWX, IL7/IK7JWX, ZA/IK7JWX and IQ7J. Check the Web site at:
IQ7J was activated during the ARRL SSB Contest by the "Salento Dx Team" from Lecce, Italy. QSL to IK7JWX via the bureau of Italy or direct to: Alfredo De Nisi, P.O. Box 218, 73100 LECCE, Italy.
NOT THE MANAGER. Karl, DL2FAG, informs OPDX that he is not the QSL Manager of Z21AV. He is receiving at the moment quit a lot of QSL request for Z21AV (direct and bureau). Please check your databases.
Several have asked what the QSL route is for TR8CX. QSL TR8CX to: Xavier Cholat, BP 4776, Libreville, GABON.
The recent operation of W4D from Dauphin Island (NA-143) now has the log search and pictures available on the MDXA Web Page:
Doug, N6RT, informs OPDX that the latest logs for XX9TDX and VQ9GB are now available at the Web site:
Fabrizio, IN3ZNR, inform OPDX that his processing of QSL cards for his Laos 2000 DXpedition, where he signed XW3ZNR and Mauro/IN3QBR signed XW3QBR between December 27th (2000) through January 11th (2001), will begin after March 15th, once he has the picture QSL card back from the printer. He is also glad to inform everyone that both operations were approved by ARRL DXCC Desk.
Leonid, UA6CW, informs OPDX that his good friend Kirill,
UA6CT, a reporter for Russian television, is now active from Chechnya
as UA6CT/6. He will be on all bands with 100 watts with dipole antennas
during his spare time. It's a good chance to confirm this rare oblast.
Leonid may also take part in the Russian DX contest. QSL via RK6AXS,
either direct or bureau.
RRC ANNOUNCEMENT. The Russian Robinson Club is proud to announce the results of "World Robinson Cup Marathon 2000" and the rules for the upcoming "World Robinson Cup 2001" (WRC-2001). The WRC-2001 participation period is from April 1st through September 30th. The new rules for the WRC-2001 can be found on the Web site:
Hirotada, JA0SC, will be
active this month from Fiji, Tonga and Western Samoa. Look for him to
sign A35SC for 5 days from Tonga starting March 10th. He will head
to Apia, Samoa, on March 15th and be active there for 5 days as 5W1**
(callsign will be assigned upon his arrival). He will arrive in Nadi,
Fiji, on March 20th and operate for 2 days as 3D2HY. His suggested
operating frequencies are: SSTV - 21343, 28683 and 14233 kHz;
RTTY - 21080, 28080 and 14080 kHz. His equipment is a FT-100 with a
HL-200 amp (200 watts) into a CY153 (15m), 10 meter 3 element monobander
Yagi and a PW-1 Portable HF Vertical antenna for 7-30Mhz. He will use
a Vaio Laptop PC with MMSSTV software for SSTV and MMTTY for RTTY. QSL
via the Bureau or Direct to JA0SC: Hirotada Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba
matsushiro-cyo, Nagano-city 381-1214 JAPAN.
Look for special event station IR0MA to be active next
month (April) commemorating the 2754th birthday of Roma. This operation
will be valid for 5 points on the "Natale di Roma Award". On April 21st,
look for IR0MA to be active from the "Capitolium of Roma". QSL only
direct to I0MWI CBA. ADDED NOTE: OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive
an additional bulletin containing the details of the "Natale di Roma Award".
Reorts indicate that Ed, K8VIR (aka-ZL4IR) is
planning to operate as VK9EHH from here beginning this week, March 5th.
Watch the IOTA frequncies. QSL via W8WC.
Art, N2NB, aka-VP2MDY,
has made it safely home and is happy to report that the logs have safely
made it to his QSL Manager NW8F's QTH. Art would like to thank everyone
for making his one man 6 day operation worth while and fun. His totals are:
160 Meters --- 176 QSOs 15 Meters --- 1286 QSOs 80 Meters --- 499 QSOs 12 Meters --- 499 QSOs 40 Meters --- 208 QSOs 10 Meters --- 1126 QSOs 30 Meters --- 635 QSOs SSB --- 3163 QSOs 20 Meters --- 1760 QSOs CW --- 3894 QSOs 17 Meters --- 868 QSOs TOTAL --- 7057 QSOsArt mentions that he would like to hear some feedback (both positive and negative) from you. He also mentions that there are 17 of you who are on his elite list for working him at least 8 times. His E-mail address is: Art is currently making plans to go to Sable Island (CY0) next.
Jim, N6TJ, will once again be active as ZD8Z from
May 7-17th. QSL via VE3HO (U.S. stamps are OK).
Ben, PY2KQ, informs OPDX that a DXpedition to
Trindade Island is scheduled for October, 2001. The current list of
operators are: PU2RYW/Fran, PY2NW/Claudio and PY2QI/Erwin. There will
will be two stations active for two to three days, ZW0TB on SSB and
ZW0TW on CW. This DXpedition has been planned since January and they
currently have three sponsors at this moment:
ICOM Incorporated Japan - is providing them with 2 HF transceivers.
SOUNDY Equipamentos para Radioamador - will help them with partial
QSL expenses and some equipments.
RADIOHAUS Radiocomunications - will help them with partial QSL expenses
and some accessories.
They also have the support of the Brazilian Navy, which has a base
there and also ANATEL, the Brazilian Telecomunication Agency which allowed
them the licences for ZW0TB and ZW0TW. Ben, PY2KQ, will be the QSL-Manager
and will support the group. You can check detailed information about this
DXpedition by visiting the official web site (still under construction)
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to:
Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers
From: "Stefano Cipriani" {}
To: {}
Subject: Natale di Roma AwardM
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 09:38:36 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Hi Tedd,
Please be acquainted and publish on Your bulletin.
73 and good luck!
The 4th "Natale di Roma" award will be issued to amateur stations and SWL by the A.RA.C., in collaboration with the Municipality of Roma, to promote the amateur radio activity on the 2754th birthday of the "Eternal City". It may be claimed for having scored at least 20 points, making contacts (/HRD) with amateur stations located in the province of Roma. The same station contacted (/heard) on different bands, or in different modes, or in different days, would be considered as different stations contacted (/heard).
from 00.00 utc of April 1, 2001
to 24.00 utc of April 30, 2001
1 point for each QSO (/HRD) in PHONE.
2 points for each QSO (/HRD) in CW.
5 points for each QSO (/HRD) with "IR0MA" special event station,
active on April 21, 2001 in the Commune of Roma.
At least 20 points needed.
OM(hf) - OM(vhf-uhf) - SWL(all bands)
Each claim must be accompanied by a QSO's list furnished with the callsigns
of stations worked (/heard), dates, bands and modes of the contacts
(/receptions), final score, meeting the requirement of the award.
It must be forwarded to award manager:
Stefano Cipriani - I0MWI
Via Taranto, 60
I - 00055 Ladispoli (RM)
Each application must be accompanied by the processing fee of 10= $us. or 20.000= £it. and it will be accepted only if received by the award manager not later than August 31, 2001.
The Award will be printed in full colors on parchment paper, with a characteristic sight of Roma, and it will be signed on by the Syndic of the City.
The best qualified HAMs on each class will receive an handsome plate, in recognition of the excellent performance.
Decisions of the A.RA.C. on any matter pertaining to the administration of this award are final.
Via Gregorio VII, 255 - 00165 Roma (RM)
Mailed by: I0MWI
Path: barf80!news
Subject: PW0S
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 14:37:14 EST
The PW0S DXpedition to St Peter and St Paul Rocks is now history. Here is a short summary of this incredible DXpedition. Stick with me on this - it's worth the trip.
"The Rocks" is actually the rim of a submerged volcano some 700 miles of the coast of Brazil in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The actual land mass is a small irregular broken volcanic reef. There is a reason for PY0S being number 26 on the DX Magazine 2000 "Most Needed" list. Under optimum conditions it is difficult to get to, difficult to land on, difficult to find a level area to set up a station, just plain difficult. The risk of damage to equipment and bodies is not insignificant. Check out the photos at the PW0S website -
Nevertheless a group of Brazilians, Jim PY7XC, Ciro PY7ZY, and Eli PT7BZ, started out from Recife on February 3 on the 49 foot motor/sailer "Old Smuggler," stopping off briefly at Fernando de Noronha for a rest and minor repairs. While there Andre, PY0FF, decided to join the group. They arrived at The Rocks on the morning of February 9, finding the sea much too rough to even consider landing. Imagine the frustration at arriving one of the rarest DX sites in the world with a boat full of equipment and being unable to land. Then imagine bobbing around in this small boat for three more days waiting for a break in the weather. At this point many (most? all?) of us would have said "To Hell With It" and headed for home. They didn't.
The seas subsided enough on the morning of Monday February 12 to attempt a landing, and they were able to get some equipment ashore and operating by 2100Z. The bad weather continued with high winds, lightning and rain, frequently interrupting operations. If you were searching and not finding them during these periods, now you know why. Because of the three day delay in landing, by Friday February 16 the group was already way overdue getting home to their families and jobs. Supplies were running out. The weather was such that they could safely get themselves and equipment off the Rocks, and the sensible decision was made to leave. Their bad luck continued as the boat encountered problems on the way home, and it was necessary for three operators to fly from Fernando de Noronha to Recife, further adding to the expense.
The final QSO count was around 7,800. Obviously the final tally is well below expectations, but still 7,800 contacts that would have not been made at all without incredible courage and devotion to our hobby. Many picked up an "all-time-new-one," the real objective of this operation. Others gained a rare country on a new band or mode. An effort was made to spend at least a little time on all bands, all modes, including RTTY. I have particular respect for the DX'ers who were not in the pileups so that others would have a better shot at a new one.
Many of us have carried or shipped our FT1000's and Alpha's down to a Caribbean island or walked into a well-equiped air-conditioned turnkey shack for a little fun in the sun and the thrill of being at the other end of the pile-up. Now picture the opposite end of that continuum - PW0S was a grass roots, low budget operation to one of the rarest and most difficult unihabitable pieces of rock in the world. Well-used equipment was scrounged together from many sources, laptops were borrowed, favors were called-in. The call signs of these four fellows may not have instant recognition, but to me they are what DX'ing is all about.
Because of the extreme adverse conditions, PW0S expenses ran well above expectations. If you worked them, please include with your QSL request to KU9C extra bucks in appreciation of what these guys did for you. If you would otherwise like to show your support for this type of operation, I am consolidating contributions and will forward to Brazil. You may also want to bring this story to the attention of your DX club - significant contributions will be recognized on the QSL card. 73 Bill W9VA / PY0ZFO
PW0S Operators: Jim Faria, PY7XC (Leader), Ciro da Silva, PY7ZY; Eli Pinheiro, PT7BZ; Andre Sampaio, PY0FF.
PW0S QSL Manager: Steve Wheatley KU9C, PO Box 5953, Parsippany, NY 07054 USA
PW0S Coordinator: Bill Smith W9VA, 1345 Linden Ave., Deerfield, IL 60015 USA
Note: Do not worry that contributions will excede expenses - if that happy event should occur, all excess contributions will be placed in a fund for future PY0S/PY0T operations. Bill.
Nmbr Nmbr Band of Days of DXCC Stations Spots Activity the Week Modes ---- ------- ----- ----------------------------- ------------- ---------- 1S 3 307 .40. .20.17.15. .10.6 .T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY 3A 4 22 . M. .W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY 3B6 0 0 3B8 6 47 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 3B9 2 14 .20.17. .10.6 M.T.W. .S. CW.SSB.RTTY 3D2/c 1 573 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 3D2/r 1 3 .20. .15. .T.F. CW. .RTTY 3V 1 1 .20. .T. .SSB. 3W 8 71 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 3Y/b 3 183 .80. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 4J 15 42 .80.40. .20. . M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 4L 12 60 .80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 4S 2 7 .30.20. M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW. .RTTY 4U1U 1 41 . M. CW. .RTTY 4W 8 30 .17.15.12. M.T.W. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 4X 36 87 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 5A 2 34 .20.17.15. .10.6 .W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY 5B 14 34 . .10.6 M.T.W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 5H 2 65 .80. . .T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 5N 4 8 .10.6 .W.T.F. .SSB. 5R 7 24 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 5T 0 0 5U 10 604 . .T.W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY 5V 1 1 .10.6 M. CW. .RTTY 5W 4 94 .40.30.20. . .T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY 5X 2 11 .20. .15.12. M.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY 5Z 3 11 .20. .10.6 .T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 6W 1 1 .15. .S .SSB. 6Y 21 465 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 7P 1 1 .15. .T. CW. .RTTY 7Q 10 44 .30.20. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 7X 3 21 .20. .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY 8P 10 220 160.80.40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 8Q 3 51 .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 8R 6 59 .40. .20. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 9A 44 293 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 9G 3 6 .20. .10.6 .W. .S .SSB. 9H 22 43 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 9J 2 12 .40. .12.10.6 .T.F.S.S CW. .RTTY 9K 16 158 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 9M2 8 40 160.80.40. .20. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 9M6 2 18 .20. .15. .10.6 .T.W. .S .SSB. 9N 1 4 .20. .10.6 M. .S. .SSB. 9Q 1 2 .10.6 .T. .SSB. 9V 7 61 .12. M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY 9Y 9 29 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S .SSB. A2 1 3 .15. .W.T.F. .SSB. A3 1 21 .40. .15. M.T. CW. .RTTY A4 8 97 .80.40. .20.17. .12.10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY A5 3 55 .30. .12.10.6 M.T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY A6 2 19 160. .20. .10.6 .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY A7 3 7 .20. .10.6 .T.F.S. .SSB. A9 2 4 160. .20. .15. M.T. CW. .RTTY AP 4 12 .15.12. .T.W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY BV 46 197 .80.40. .20. .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY BY 41 102 .80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY C3 4 7 .20. .15. .W. .S CW.SSB.RTTY C5 25 515 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY C6 9 142 160.80.40. .20. . M.T.W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY C9 3 5 .80. .20. .T.F. CW.SSB.RTTY CE 23 101 .40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY CE0A 3 5 .20. .10.6 .T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY CE0Z 1 29 .20. . .W.T. .S.S .SSB. CE9 3 65 . M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY CM 37 181 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY CN 11 29 .20. . M.T.W.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY CP 8 23 .15. .10.6 M.T. .T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY CT 34 157 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY CT3 15 161 160.80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY CU 8 28 160.80. . M.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY CX 37 148 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY D2 3 33 .20. .12.10.6 .T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY D6 8 732 M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY DL 271 683 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY DU 23 163 . . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY EA 164 496 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY EA6 11 69 .80.40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY EA8 48 237 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY EA9 9 14 .40. .20.17. .12.10.6 .W.T.F.S.S .SSB. EI 25 109 . . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY EK 9 31 .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY EL 2 6 .80. .15.12. M.T. .T. CW.SSB.RTTY EP 2 12 .20. .15. .T.F. .SSB. ER 13 65 160.80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY ES 7 13 .20. . M. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY ET 1 1 .15. .T. .SSB. EU 29 61 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY EX 15 72 .80. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY EY 7 36 .40.30.20. . M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY EZ 5 23 160. .30.20. .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY F 139 449 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY FG 7 31 .40. .20. .15. .10.6 .T.W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY FH 1 10 .20. .12.10.6 .W.T.F. .SSB. FJ 8 38 .80. .20. .10.6 .T. .T.F.S.S .SSB. FK 13 75 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY FM 14 63 .40.30.20. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY FO 22 274 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY FP 2 10 .20. .12.10.6 .T.W. .F.S. .SSB. FR 6 73 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY FW 3 26 .40. .20. .15. .10.6 M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY FY 9 110 .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY G 116 340 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY GD 6 11 .20.17. .12.10.6 M. .W.T. .S.S .SSB. GI 16 47 .80.40. .20. . .T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY GJ 6 40 .80.40. .20. . M. .W.T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY GM 34 126 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY GU 8 22 160. . .T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY GW 18 57 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY H4 2 6 .20.17. .12. .W. .S. .SSB. HA 49 173 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY HB 39 152 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY HB0 5 47 .12. M.T.W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY HC 13 58 . . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY HC8 2 76 .20. .15. .10.6 .T.F.S. .SSB. HH 4 10 . .T.W. .F.S.S .SSB. HI 9 81 M.T.W.T.F. CW.SSB.RTTY HK 16 86 .40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY HK0/a 3 11 .30.20. .10.6 .W.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY HL 79 205 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY HP 25 127 . . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY HR 7 44 .40. . M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY HS 13 76 .30.20. .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY HV 1 25 .10.6 .S CW.SSB.RTTY HZ 6 27 160.80. .20. .12.10.6 M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY I 180 839 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY IS 10 17 160. . .10.6 .T. .T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY J2 6 67 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY J3 14 178 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY J6 2 19 .20. .15. .10.6 M. .F.S.S .SSB. J7 3 10 .30. .17. .12. M. .F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY J8 1 2 .30.20. .S.S CW. .RTTY JA 327 887 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY JD/o 1 10 .15 .S .SSB JD/m 2 35 .40. .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY JT 7 106 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY JW 9 93 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY JX 3 51 .30.20. . M.T.W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY JY 6 29 .40. .20. .15. .10.6 .T. .T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY K 670 1536 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY KH0 3 12 160.80. .20.17. .12.10.6 M.T. .F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY KH1 0 0 KH2 3 27 .20. .15. .10.6 M. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY KH3 1 2 .10.6 .S. .SSB. KH4 0 0 KH6 39 350 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY KH9 5 24 .20. .15. .10.6 M. .S CW. .RTTY KL 32 220 160.80.40. .20. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY KP2 8 106 .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY KP4 35 164 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY LA 29 62 160.80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY LU 107 494 .80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY LX 24 137 160.80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY LY 26 227 . M. .W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY LZ 36 168 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY OA 7 37 .40. .20. .15. .10.6 .W.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY OD 9 62 160. .40. .20. . M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY OE 36 158 . M.T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY OH 32 142 . .15. .10.6 .T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY OH0 4 7 160.80. .17. M.T.W. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY OK 75 257 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY OM 31 145 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY ON 66 254 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY OX 3 6 .20. .12.10.6 M.T.W. .S CW.SSB.RTTY OY 7 49 160. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY OZ 31 124 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY P2 5 16 .20. .10.6 .T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY P4 7 300 160.80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY PA 57 180 .80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY PJ2 11 286 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY PJ7 13 79 . M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY PY 140 476 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY PY0F 1 6 .10.6 .S.S .SSB. PZ 4 13 .30.20.17. .12.10.6 M.T.W. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY R1FJ 2 35 .30. .17. .12.10.6 .W. .F.S. CW. .RTTY R1MV 0 0 S2 1 1 .T. .SSB. S5 72 503 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY S9 2 3 .15. .T.F. CW.SSB.RTTY SM 52 124 . .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY SP 71 241 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY SU 14 146 .40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY SV 23 99 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY SV5 7 15 .40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY SV9 1 1 .10.6 .W. .SSB. T31 1 1 .40. .T. CW. .RTTY T32 6 763 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY T33 1 7 .80. .20.17.15. M. .W. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY T7 3 28 .20. . M.T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY T8 1 2 .15. .S CW. .RTTY T9 13 26 .80.40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY TA 18 80 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY TF 9 36 . .10.6 M.T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY TG 8 30 160. .40. .20. . M.T. .T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY TI 16 84 .80.40. .20. .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY TJ 2 3 .15. .T. .S. .SSB. TK 11 86 . M.T.W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY TR 9 47 .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY TT 2 5 .15. .W. .S. CW.SSB.RTTY TU 6 12 160. .20. .12. M.T. .T. .S. CW.SSB.RTTY TZ 3 25 .40. .20. .15. .10.6 .F.S.S .SSB. UA 153 569 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY UA2 16 140 160.80.40. .20.17.15. .10.6 M.T.W. .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY UA9 136 432 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY UK 9 39 160. . .12.10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY UN 35 118 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY UR 83 251 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY V2 1 1 .10.6 .W. .SSB. V3 2 38 160.80.40. .20. .15. .10.6 .W. .S. CW.SSB.RTTY V4 3 114 160.80.40. .20. .15. .10.6 M. .W. .F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY V5 8 121 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY V6 0 0 V7 7 48 .80. .20. .12.10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY V8 3 7 .80. .15. .W.T.F. .SSB. VE 104 176 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY VK 110 374 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY VK9N 2 14 160. .40. .20. .15.12. M.T. .T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY VP2E 8 178 .80.40. . .T. .T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY VP2M 5 174 M.T.W.T. .S CW.SSB.RTTY VP2V 2 3 160. .17.15. M. .F. CW.SSB.RTTY VP5 11 234 160.80.40. .20. .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY VP8 3 7 .20. .10.6 .W.T. CW.SSB.RTTY VP9 3 62 .80.40. .20.17.15. .10.6 .F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY VQ9 3 13 160. .20. .15. .10.6 M.T. .F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY VR 12 61 .80.40.30. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY VU 33 144 .40. . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY XE 35 342 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY XT 2 3 .20. .15. M. .F. CW.SSB.RTTY XU 3 13 .20. .15. .10.6 .T.W. .F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY XW 1 1 .40. M. YB 36 120 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY YI 4 14 .80.40. .20.17. .12. M.T.W. .S. CW. .RTTY YK 2 9 160. .30.20. .10.6 M. .T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY YL 17 87 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY YN 1 1 .10.6 .S .SSB. YO 26 65 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY YS 5 14 .40. .20.17. .10.6 M. .W. .F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY YU 44 181 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY YV 37 145 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY Z2 5 17 .15. .10.6 M.T. .T.F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY Z3 11 81 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY ZA 6 19 .20.17. .12. M.T.W.T.F. CW.SSB.RTTY ZB 6 14 .80. . .T.W. .F.S. CW.SSB.RTTY ZD7 6 27 . M. .W.T.F. .S CW.SSB.RTTY ZD8 4 14 .10.6 M. .W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY ZF 4 207 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY ZK1/s 2 8 .20. .10.6 M. .F. .S .SSB. ZK2 1 59 .40.30.20. .15. .10.6 .W.T.F.S. CW. .RTTY ZK3 3 28 .20. .15. .10.6 M.T. .T.F.S.S CW. .RTTY ZL 43 145 M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY ZP 14 44 .40. .20. .15. .10.6 M.T.W.T. .S.S CW.SSB.RTTY ZS 62 243 . M.T.W.T.F.S.S CW.SSB.RTTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tot Stations: 5662 Tot Spots: 28081 Spotter of the week: W3MF (454 spots)
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