The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 572
BID: $OPDX.572
July 29, 2002
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, NC1L, N2SU, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, WZ3AR, N4AA & QRZ DX, KK5DO, KL7AK, KL7JR, K8YSE, W9DC, WLH Award Management Committee, DL1EK/DL7VOA & DX Newsletter, DL6KAC, EA3BT, F5NQL & UFT, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, FJ5DX & La Gazette du DX, GM4FDM, HS0/G3NOM, IK2XDE, IZ8BRI, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, ON7YX, PS7AB, RV3GW, RX3RC, RZ1AK, RZ1OA, SM5DIC, SP9BRP, VA3CJM, VA3RJ & ICPO, VE1VOX, VK3JMG and ZS1AN for the following DX information.
According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 21/July, through Sunday, 28/July there were 232 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1I,
4W, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R,
9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5,
A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT,
CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, DU, E4, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES,
ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM,
GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HM, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ,
I, IS, JA, JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4,
LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2,
P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1MV, S0, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9,
T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK,
UN, UR, V2, V4, V5, V6, V7, VE, VK, VK0M, VK9N, VP2E, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/h,
VP8/o, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS,
YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD9, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZL, ZP, ZS
* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
Yanncik, F6FYD/4J0FR (President of Clipperton DX Club),
and Gerard, F2VX, will be in Baku from August 6-23rd. Yannick will use
the callsign 4J0FR (QSL via F6FYD) and Gerard will use the 4K7W club
station callsign (QSL via the operator instruction). They will be active
on all bands CW and SSB. They will also try to obtain a special callsign.
Jay, K4ZLE, departed Sunday for Uganda and is expected to
be there from July 29th through August 11th. He has been assigned the
callsign 5X2A. Since this is not primarily a ham trip, his operation
will be limited. Jay will be on Bavuma Island in L. Victoria with no
commercial electricity from July 31st through August 4th, but he hopes
to operate on some kind of solar/battery power. Most of his operations
will be late night/early morning. Uganda time is 7 hours ahead of the
East Coast U.S. QSLs via home callsign, K4ZLE.
8Q, MALDIVES. (Update)
Look for members of the young DX group called
"Crystal Clear DX Group" to be active as 8Q7ZZ between July 29th and
August 11th. Activity will be on all the HF bands plus 6 meters with
three stations, and on CW, SSB and the digital modes. The team will
consist of Mark/M0DXR (team leader), Robert/M0TTT, Tony/EA2AIJ and
Fabian/DJ1YFK. The team has a web page which contains more information
about the DXpedition at:
Kiyo, JH3PAS, will be in Nepal from August 4-10th and expects
to operate as 9N7AS. This is his 2nd time visiting Nepal. First time
was May 1994, and he did operate as 9N1AS. This time Kiyo will be on all
bands and all modes, but he expects to be mainly on the WARC bands
(10/17/24m) and digital modes (RTTY, PSK-31, SSTV). He will concentrate
his efforts for EU and North AM. QSL via homecall either JARL Bureau or
direct address: Kiyotaka Ichikawa, Issiki-Nishi 1-74-3, Hiraoka-cho,
Kakogawa, 675-0117 JAPAN.
Gus, SM5DIC/9U5D, informs OPDX that he is now
operating the Amateur Radio Club station of the Democratic Republic of
Congo, 9Q0AR, until August 28th. He has been there since July 20th. QSNs
from last week show his activity has been on 17/15/10 meters SSB beginning
after 1900z. Watch 18124, 21226, 21260, 28465 and 28485 kHz. Gus states,
"Please inform that the QSL for QSOs made under this time should be sent
to my usual QSL Manager SM5BFJ: Leif Hammarstrom, Lerklockan 4,
73091 Riddarhyttan, Sweden. DIRECT ONLY."
Pat, 9Q1A, has been active this past week on
17/15/12 meters. Activity varies around 1200, 1400, 1600, 2000 and 2200z.
John, G4IRN, will be active as C5/G4IRN from September
6-13th. Activity will be mainly on CW, 80-10 meters with 100 watts plus
wire antennas. QSL to G4IRN: 31 Greenwood Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey,
KT7 0DU, England, UK.
Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, reports that the following
have been approved for DXCC credit:
Tunisia - 3V8KO June (2002) operation from Kuriat Island
Nepal - 9N7QK September 29th-November 29th (2001)
Bhutan - A52PC October 22nd-November 3rd (2001)
Laos - XW1LLR May 1st-September 30th (2002)
Nat, WZ3AR, will be operating
as WZ3AR/4 from Chincoteague Island, VA (IOTA NA-083, USI# VA-002S),
from July 29th to August 3rd on 20-6 meters SSB. This operation also
counts for the relatively rare Accomack County, VA, and for ARLHS USA-021,
the Assateague Lighthouse. Most activity will be on/near the IOTA SSB
frequencies of 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950 and 28460 kHz with occasional
trips to the ARLHS frequency of 14270 kHz. Chincoteague is in the grid
square FM-27 and Nat will also be operating in the vicinity of 50.130
MHz in the mid-afternoon and early evenings. Nat will try and spot himself
on DX Summit whenever he is operating. QSL route is via WZ3AR either
direct or through the bureau.
Members of the "Project DX Team" A.R.I. Lomazzo
(Co), will be active from Terre de Haut Island (IOTA NA-114 Les Saintes
and DIFO FG-011), August 5-17th. Activity will be on the HF bands and
50 Mhz. Operations will be on SSB and RTTY. Look for the callsigns and
operators as: FG/IK2XDE (Andrea), FG/IK2JYT (Giovanni), FG/IK2HAB (Mario)
and FG/IW2MVS (Luigi). QSL via their home callsigns via the bureau.
If you missed Jim, MM0BQI, operating the special event
station GB5SI on the Summer Isles off the north west coast of Scotland
this past weekend during the IOTA contest, you will have a second chance
October 19-24th. His activity should be 80-6 meters CW/SSB/RTTY. QSL direct
or via the bureau to MM0BQI. Jim's home page is at:
HF9, POLAND (Special Event)
Look for special event station HF9JP to be
active to commemorate the 9th visit of John Paul II to the Pope`s homeland
between August 10-31st. Activity will be on CW/SSB/RTTY on 160-6 meters.
QSL via SP9PKZ/Bureau.
Operators Bill/W4WX, Clarence/W9AAZ, Cory/N1WON
and Robert/K9MDO will operate as W4WX/HI9 in the 2002 CQ World Wide DX SSB
Contest (October 26-27, 2002) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via W4WX.
EU-064. Alain, F6BFH, will be active from Noirmoutier Island (DIFM
AT020) until August 3rd. He will be staying at F9IE's QTH. His
activity will be on the HF bnads SSB/CW with an IC706 and
dipoles. QSL via F6BFH direct or bureau.
EU-130. Feco, HA8KW, will be active as IV3/HA8KW/p from Grado Island (IIA GO-001) now through August 2nd. Activity will be on 30-10 meters CW (with some SSB). QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau.
EU-153. Vlad/RZ1OA and Dima/UA1OLM are active from Lyasomin Island as RZ1OA/a and UA1OLM/a until August 1st. QSL via RZ1OA: Vlad Sadakov, P.O. Box 48, Arkhangelsk, 163040, Russia.
EU-161. Look for Nick, RA1QQ/1, to be active from Kharlovskij Island (RR-03-02) now through August 5th. Under the WLHA program it counts as a NEW ONE LH-0640, and for the RLHA program. It is also a NEW ONE, RLE-020. QSL via home call (PLEASE NOTE there are some CHANGES in Nick's Zip Code, Address: Nick A Smerdov, P.O. Box 24, Cherepovets, 162611, Russia).
NA-NEW. (Update) Just a reminder to look for the callsign KL7AK to activate Deer Island, part of the Southern Alaska Peninsula West group; an unnumbered IOTA island group. Operators are projecting that they will be on the island late in the evening on the 31st of July, until mid-afternoon on the 5th of August. The operators will be: Rick/KL7AK, Blaine/KL7TG, Linda/NL7RE, Larry/KF6XC and Jim/K9PPY. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, both SSB and CW, including the AO-27 and UO-14 Amateur Satellites. They will operate on or near the IOTA frequencies on each band. QSL Manager is Fred Stenger, N6AWD, and his address is good in the callbook or Internet databases. Rick, KL7AK, reported this past week that they plan to have a web site on the Internet with pictures from Deer Island, information, and hopefully a daily updated basic log. You should be able to enter your callsign and be able to tell whether you're in their logbook and the band and mode. The Web site is:
NA-058. Bob, N2SU, will be on Jekyll Island until August 2nd. He will use his IC-706 Mk IIG and an Outbacker antenna.
NA-130. Andrew, VE8AE, plans to be on Resolution Island now through August 2nd and hopes to be active as VY0AE.
The RAAF Williams Amateur Radio Club (RWARC) will be activating Split
Point Lighthouse Aireys Inlet, Victoria, Australia (ARLS number AUS-154)
using the club callsign: VK3APP / Portable LH, on Saturday, August 17th,
from 0001-0800z as part of the International Lighthouse/Lightship
Weekend. This will be a unique event as their club is the only Royal
Australian Airforce Amateur Radio club in Australia, and this will be
the first time that Split Point Lighthouse is activated on the amateur
radio bands. They will be setting up several 'stations' utilizing wire
and vertical antennas high atop the cliffs overlooking Bass Strait,
one of most hazardous streches of water in the world! Output power will
be 100 watts on SSB. (there is a possibility of other modes) Their
operation will be on the 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 2 meter bands. QSL
via the bureau or direct ( to VK3JMG. Check out their Web link
Also the RWARC club web site at:
Look for Curt, W2BN (ARLHS member #599) to be active August 3rd, for one day only, from Ludlam Beach Lighthouse (USA-461), New Jersey. Operation will be CW only on 40, 20 and 15 meters, on the usual ARLHS frequencies, between 1400-2000z. QSL via eQSL only.
Members of the Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club, VE3OSR, will be signing VE3OSR/p from Flower Pot Island (CISA ON-005 for the Canadian Islands Award) and Lighthouse (ARLHS CAN-181), August 3-5th. Activity will be on 40, 20 and 15 meters depending on the conditions. QSL via VE3OSR, CBA (SASE/SAE/IRC please).
Christian, DL6KAC, informs OPDX that he and others will be activating Helios Lighthouse in Cologne/Ehrenfeld (FED-107) again in the upcoming International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (ILLW). He states, "We are planning to have two HF stations on the air. Main callsign will be DA0HC (via bureau or DL6KAC). Additionally, we will have two trainee callsigns (likely DN1KAV [via bureau or DH4KAV] and DN1KS [via bureau or DJ2KS]). Antennas will be a double-zepp and a multiband vertical or inverted vees. Activitity is planned from 40-10 meters SSB (if propagation is available on the higher bands). Maybe 80 meters SSB. Additionally, we plan to operate PSK and maybe a little bit SSTV. There might also be some 2m SSB activity. QSLs are already printed and will be send out after the operation. There will be no delay like last year where the cards had to be printed first."
Albert, RV3GW, informs OPDX that stations active over the past weekend as RA3NN/1, RA3NAN/1, UA1OEJ/a were from Zhizhginskij Island (EU-153, RRA RR-02-23). Under the WLHA program, the reference number is LH-2447 and NEW ONE. Under the RLHA program it is RLE-019, also a NEW ONE. The operators were expected to leave Monday, July 29th, from Zhizhginskij Island. However, Monday they will be active from Golets Island again (IOTA EU-153, RRA RR-02-27). This is a NEW ONE for WLHA and RLHA programs, LH-2217 and RLE-018. The length of their stay is unknown. ADDED NOTE: Station RU3SD/1, active during the IOTA Contest, was from Anzerskij Lighthouse/Island. Its IOTA is EU-066 and RRA RR-02-20. It was also a NEW ONE for the WLHA program, LH-2998, and is expected to be a NEW ONE for the RLHA program.
Andrew, ZS1AN, will be operating from Dassen Island Lighthouse during International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend using the callsign ZS1AN/P. Dassen Island is the smaller and less accessible of the two islands in IOTA AF-064, the Western Cape Province South West group. Andrew plans to operate from approximately 1600z on Friday, August 16th until 1200z on Sunday, August 18th. His mode will be primarily CW, operating on or around the following frequencies: 7026, 14026, 21026 and 28026 kHz.
John, KL7JR, informs OPDX that he will sign MW3/KL7JR on the
weekend starting August 10th. Activity will be on 20 meter SSB (+-14.255).
QSL CBA only.
Roman, RX3RC, informs OPDX that there is a new award available.
Check out the information about the new "Russian Districts Award" (RDA)
It was reported this week that Ed, P5/4L4FN, is expected
to operate CW (per UFT) sometime. However, QSL Manager Bruce, KK5DO, states
"in order to give everyone a chance at one QSO, he (Ed) might limit CW QSOs
to only those that have never had a P5 QSO with him. This way more people
will get at least one QSO as he will never be able to work everyone on SSB,
CW and RTTY. He might decide that if you had a SSB QSO, then one CW QSO
would be okay or if you had RTTY, then no CW. Don't know exactly how it
will be done yet, but there has to be some type of limitation."
Mark, KD4D, will be active August 1-14th from
Curacao (SA-006) as PJ2/KD4D. He will be participating in the 2002 WAE DX
CW Contest as PJ2M. QSL via home call. QSL PJ2M via N9AG.
Giorgio/I2JSB and Marco/IK2IQV (CW), who were active as 5C2MI this
past week from Mogador Island, should be QSLed direct only to I2JSB:
Giorgio Savini, P.O. Box 55, 20089 Rozzano - MI, Italy.
Operators BA4TA, BA4TB, BA4RD, BD4RS and BD5RV were active as BI4J in the IOTA Contest from Chongming Island (AS-136). QSL via BA4RD: Box 538 Nanjing, China.
Jose, CT3KY, was active from Madeira Island during the IOTA Contest. QSL via the address on ( or via the bureau (100% return). Pepe, EA5KB, was active from Santi Petri Island (EU-143) as EA7/EA5KB during the IOTA contest. QSL via home callsign or through the bureau. Antoine, F5RAB/p, was active from Belle Ile en Mer Island. Reference numbers are IOTA EU-048, DIFM AT-015, DMF 56002 and 56003 (French Mills Award). QSL via his home callsign.
Members of the WLH Award Management Committee (F5SKJ, F5LRC and F5OGG) were active this past week from Vierge Lighthouse Island (LH 0241 and IOTA EU-105) as homecall/p. QSL F5OGG/P via LX1NO, F5SKJ/P via F5SKJ and F5LRC/P via F5LRC. ADDED NOTE: The three operators were also expected to be active from Wrac'h Island Lighthouse (LH 0823 and NO IOTA) after the Vierge Lighthouse Island operation using the same callsigns. QSL the same as above.
Tom, GM4FDM, reports that he has taken over the QSL duties for HS0/G3NOM, HS0AC, 9M2OM, A52OM, E22DX, E28DX. HS2AC, S21U, S21ZF, XU1NOM and XY1HT. He has most of the logs, but does not have any blank cards as of yet, however, they are coming by sea from Thailand. Tom understands there is a considerable backlog for HS0AC cards, so please be patient and he will try to get them out as time permits, but it may be several months. He states, "If anybody is particularly desperate to receive a bureau card, please E-mail details of QSO(s) and when the cards arrive, I shall try to give these cards a little more precedence, BUT only if you need the card in a particular hurry for a specific reason. If anybody is found abusing my hospitality, they will suffer the Wrath of Khan!" Tom's E-mail address is:
QSL K5M via K5CWR. Activity was a Multi-Mode operation from Mustand Island (NA-092).
QSL Manager Steven Wheatley, KU9C, informs the DX Community: "This is to advise that I have changed my 'incoming QSL mail address'. I've updated the FCC filing, so the various databases driven by this will be updated shortly. Note that my old address will continue to be in place indefinitely. I will shut it down when conditions warrant. This change was simply made to bring the mail 'closer' to me. I will still be collecting mail from my old address....and of course, if you've sent it there, there is NO NEED to resubmit. My new address: Steven Wheatley KU9C, P. O. Box 31, Morristown NJ 07963-0031"
Members from UBA club, "NOK", were active as PA/ON4NOK before the IOTA Contest and PA6TEX during the contest from Texel Island (EU-038) and the Texel Lighthouse (ARLHS NET-024). QSL via ON7YX direct or bureau. PLEASE NOTE: Because this is a Belgian operation, the DUTCH QSL bureau will NOT handle cards! If you QSL via the Bureau send it to the UBA Belgian Bureau (PA6TEX via ON7YX).
R1ANF/P QSL STATUS. Nick, RK1PWA, has received the R1ANF/P QSL cards sponsored by Diamond DX Club. Nick will start sending out the cards as soon as possible. For future information on the Diamond Forum, check the Web page at:
Operators RA3AUM, UA3DX and RZ1AK participate in the IOTA Contest as RK1A/p from Kotlin Island (EU-133, RR-01-06). Direct QSL requests should go to VE3LYC while all bureau cards - via RZ1AK only.
Josep, EA3BT, announced that they have put in the mail all QSL cards received since middle July, so you should start to receive them soon, in a week or so. They are almost working on the QSLs on a daily basis. The QSL card is a double one, in full color. It has been printed by Rodrigo, EA7JX ( ). If you want to see how it looks, it can be found on the Web page at:
Dana, VE1VOX, was active in the IOTA Contest from Wood Island (IOTA NA-029 and Lighthouse CAN-535). The callsign was VE1OTA/VY2. QSL to VE1VOX's address on
Anderson/PY2TNT, David/PY2DCE, Adriano/PY2AXH and Andre/PU2TET (13 yr. old son of Adriano) were active as ZW2T/P from the Island of Sao Sebastiao (SA-028, DIB-016) in the IOTA Contest. QSL via direct ( or via the Bureau to PY2TNT. Look for logs and photos after the operation on:
Ray, HS0/G3NOM, wants to remind everyone that "the
organizers of the SEANET Convention 2002 invite all radio amateurs to
participate in the SEANET 2002 Contest. This contest is associated with
the 30th Annual SEANET Convention in Perth, Western Australia to be held
November 1st-3rd, 2002, in the spirit of amateur radio world-wide friendship.
The format of the contest will remain the same as last year, in accordance
with the wishes of the contestants. The contest will therefore be a single
24 hour contest incorporating CW/Voice/ and digital modes."
SEANET2002 Web Site
Remember that the Myanmar 2002 DXpedition starts this week.
Part of the team will begin their activity August 2-8th, from Yangoon with
one station active on 80-6 meters. From August 9-22nd, the full team will
be active from Ngapali with four stations operating on 160-6 meters. Then
look for a new IOTA to be activated from Apaw-ye Kyun Island (part of the
Arakan Region Group) with two stations active between August 16-19th on
80-6 meters. The callsigns to be used during this operations will be:
XY3C - CW callsign, QSL via DL4KQ
XY5T - SSB callsign, QSL via IN3ZNR
XY7V - Digital mode callsign, QSL via DL8KBJ
XY0TA - IOTA operation callsign
The team consists of: Fabrizio/IN3ZNR, Mauro/IN3QBR, Yani/YB0US,
Hiroo/JA2EZD, Frank/DL4KQ, Gregor/DF2IC, Juergen/DF7KP, Siegfried/DL8KBJ,
Bernd/DL5OAB and Joe/AA4NN. For more information, please visit the Web
site at:
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to:
Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers
W9DXCC CONVENTION - ROLLING MEADOWS IL - SEPTEMBER 20/21 2002 Almost fifty years ago Bob Baird W9NN had the idea of organizing a meeting of the 98 amateurs in the ninth call area who were holders of the DXCC certificate. He sent a post card to each, forty five answered and thirty three showed up at the then Sheraton Hotel in Chicago, paying $5 for the meeting and banquet. Bob must have had the right idea, because fifty years later W9DXCC is still going strong, and we extend this invitation to join us in this 50th Anniversary Celebration.
The 2002 convention and banquet will be on Saturday, September 21, again at the Holiday Inn in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. Activities begin with the N4AA DX Publications Welcome Reception at 7:30 PM Friday night, followed by the Northern Illinois DX Association Hospitality Suite. On Saturday, a full day of programs, prizes, and the CW pile-up contest, followed by the anniversary reception and grand banquet.  Closing the day, gather in the Greater Milwaukee DX Association hospitality suite for the latest DX tales.
PROGRAMS: Here is the line-up for W9DXCC 2002! (Wow!!) VP6DI, Ducie Island, with Mike McGirr K9AJ, and Jim Mornar N9TK VP8THU – VP8GEO, South Sandwich and South Georgia – Bob Allphin, K4UEE PWØT, Trindade Island, by Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV, and Bill Smith W9VA DXing on the Edge -The Thrill of 160 Meters – Jeff Briggs, K1ZM Care and Feeding of QSL Managers, by Steve Wheatley, KU9C The ARRL Forum, with Director Dick Isely, W9GIG; Vice-Director Howie Huntington, K9KM; DXAC Advisory Committee member Jim O’Connell, W9WU; and DavePatton, NT1N, with news from Newington. IOTA Update and Deer Island, Alaska – Gordon WB9EEE and Jim K9PPY Cycle 23 – 6 Meter Explosion - Propagation Update, by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA Cubical Quad Antennas, with Norm Alexander, W4QN World Radiosport Team Championship 2002 Finland – K4UEE-K7BV-K1ZM
With generous support from ICOM America, we are pleased to announce the best
prize lineup ever. The Grand Prize is an ICOM IC756 PRO II transceiver,
covering 160 through 6 meters and the choice of many leading Dxpeditions.Â
The Raffle Drawing will be for an ICOM IC706 MkIIG transceiver. In
addition we will have the usual array of prize drawings throughout the day,
with grand prizes being presented after the banquet.  Check our website
for current list of prize donors.
Following the Saturday program, we will have the reception and banquet.
 In addition to the DXCC countdown, the presentation of the “Hog of the
Year†award, and the grand prize drawings, we will have a special 50th
Anniversary presentation. This year’s banquet offers a choice of Chicken
Marsala or Sliced Sirloin of Beef, accompanied by fresh fruit cup, Caesar
salad, potato, vegetable, beverage, and topped off with Bananas Foster
Dave Patton, NT1N, will be available to check your QSL’s for DXCC
credit. Forms can be downloaded from ARRL website or will be available
at the convention. What an easy way to update your country totals! Go
for an endorsement!Â
The convention is held at the Holiday Inn in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, a
northwest suburb of Chicago. This “Holidome†is a full-featured
facility, located at 3405 Algonquin Road (Route 62) in Rolling Meadows,
just east of Route 53, and convenient to O’Hare International Airport,
and the shoppers paradise, Woodfield Mall. For reservations call
847 259 5000 and ask for the W9DXCC special rateof $92, available until
August 31, 2002. Free shuttle to and from O’Hare.
Please check out the website at for complete information and online registration.
Bill Smith, W9VA
2002 W9DXCC Chairman
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